Subject: My wife's name is Google

If you’ve ever had young kids, you know that the questions are endless.

When my son was 6 years old, he began to write stories and little comic books - and as a result he was constantly asking my wife and I how to spell words.

Taken on June 9th, 2019

We loved it… but it did start to drive us a little bit crazy.

Which is why we got a Google mini for his room (they’re only $25 bucks).

We would hear him in his room asking Google questions throughout the day.

It didn’t take long for him to expand his line of questioning.

He went from spelling words to asking Google complicated questions like “Why is the sky blue?” or “What started World War 2?”

This is all good… but, the best thing about this situation was that it created the perfect conditions for one of my favorite memories of my son.

One day, he was laying on our living room floor, coloring in one of his coloring books… and absent-mindedly asked my wife:

“Hey Google, what’s for-... I mean, hey Mom, what’s for dinner?”

We lost it.

And… We still joke about it to this day. Or, my son will purposefully call her “Google” instead of mom.

Now, as funny as this is… it makes me think about something.

I wish that I had my own “personal Google” when I was struggling to grow my studio.

Let Me Be Your Personal Google

When you’re growing, you are out of your element.

You don’t know what you don’t know.

And while Google can be helpful… it doesn’t tell you how to APPLY the information you are learning.

And it certainly doesn’t tailor the advice to your specific situation!

This is why I created Studio Marketing Masterclass…

Your key to a highly-profitable studio isn’t about the AMOUNT of information you have…

It’s about how you apply that information.

You will get to results faster when you have access to someone who can check your work and answer your questions…

This is true whether you currently have 2 students or 200.

Each week, I meet with those who are enrolled in the Masterclass and I answer questions on all sorts of topics:

  • What to put on your studio website

  • How to create great ads

  • How to create great social media posts

  • How to create marketing that is unique to YOUR studio and location

  • How to improve your studio’s lesson programs

  • How to keep students longer (a big part of your growth solution!)

  • How to improve your first lesson

  • What to say to people when they first reach out to you

  • How to get people to actually sign up after they reach out to you

  • What NOT to do when you’re marketing your studio (so you don’t waste time on ineffective methods)

And, keep in mind… what makes this so valuable is that these aren’t generic answers…

The answer I will give you will be unique to YOUR studio and YOUR situation…

Because I’m going to take the time to get to know YOU and your studio.

All of this begins when you register this coming Monday, June 6th.


You won’t get the opportunity until you apply to join the class.

You can do so here:

Only those who apply (and are approved) will get the invite. All details about costs, logistics, and training schedules will be released this Monday.

I look forward to working with you!

Very best,


PS> Not only do you have the opportunity to register next week… I’m also going to be revealing my “Back to School” marketing plan… for absolutely free.

But - only to those who apply.