Subject: My student's house STINKS

When I first started teaching piano in 2004, I traveled to student homes.

I had a portable teaching bag that included:

  • Music flashcards

  • Supplementary exercise and scale books

  • Stickers

  • A digital camera for recording student performances

  • Snacks (for in between lessons)

  • A map for getting to student’s homes (remember this was pre-smartphone!)

It never occurred to me that I would need a NOSE PLUG.

Sadly, there were two houses that I went to on Wednesdays that were actually STINKY.

One family had dogs, cats, rodents, birds, bunnies, and other livestock running around their house all the time. The house had a very strong “barnyard” odor.

And, I’m not even sure what was going on in the other house… but it smelled like a mixture between dirty diaper and spoiled food.

Some days it was close to unbearable.

I dreaded going to that house, but I was struggling at the time… and I needed the cash.

I put up with it.

But - how did these people live with it?!?!?!? How could they live with the “stink”?

I’ll tell you how…

There’s a phenomenon called “nose blindness.”

Over time, we CAN’T smell our house. 

Our smelling sense gets fatigued over time and it just stops working on that particular smell.

So - while I was gagging during the lesson… everyone else was doing just fine.

These experiences led me to do two things:

1 / Buy a powerful air cleaning machine for my house (so that this would never happen in my house)

2 / More importantly... it also led me to ask questions about how "nose blindness" might be occurring elsewhere in my life.

Do You Have Business “Nose Blindness”?

Here’s what I mean…

We get used to our physical environment.

We don’t see the clutter, we don’t smell the smells. 

It all seems perfectly natural to us.

This is also true of our mental environment!!!

We have a story we tell ourselves about our studio business…

We have reasons why things are the way they are…

We have a story about what is possible and what our goals should be…

We have a certain way we try to solve problems or challenges…

And we have a story about why we are stuck!!!

Over time, this becomes our default and it creates the situation we find ourselves in (whether our situation is “good” or “bad”).

If our situation is bad…

Airing out our thoughts can keep our mental “home” in order.

I’ll give you an example.

Nearly four years ago, I told my business coach why I was “stuck” on creating more content for my social media channels.

There was just NO WAY I could produce more videos.

His response?

He challenged me to create 25 videos in 90 days.

I told him all the reasons this was impossible… And he challenged my thinking.

He saw things that I did not or could not see… because he had a different, more powerful, more creative perspective.

He absolutely destroyed my excuses.

And - I ended up creating 25 videos in 75 days (15 days ahead of schedule!).

He didn’t give me a “how to” video… he just helped me get out of my own way.

My coach came into my mental house and said: “Hey, this stinks!”

I couldn’t “smell” my own bad thinking.

This is why I created Studio Growth Accelerator…

I want to give music studio and music school owners in our industry access to a 1-to-1 business coach that will keep them accountable to their goals.

I want to give you access to a great coach who will show you the effects of your own thinking.

Why is accountability so important?

We actually asked some of the current members of the Accelerator program and this is why they told us:

  • “I need a deadline”

  • I'm a teacher. I know that students practice when they have a lesson every week because someone is there to hold them accountable. I also know that it is difficult to gauge my success and failure rate on my own time and an outside perspective helps that process so much.”

  • “Prior to buying my music school, I had a corporate job. I was always held accountable to achieve my goals and expectations through things like check-ins and 1:1's with people managers and directors. As an entrepreneur, I am only accountable to myself, which is a brand new experience. Having a coach be there to help hold me accountable for working to achieve my goals is incredibly beneficial.”

  • “For me Accountability is a big motivator in getting things done.  I work well with deadlines but without someone holding me to those deadlines I tend to just let things go and think they are not important.  Being accountable to a coach ensures that I make good choices about how I spend my time and that I work towards my goals.”

  • “I am much more motivated when I am accountable to someone other than myself”

  • “One on one training is always better, because it is individualized and the coach knows you personally. So if you disclose your strengths and weaknesses to your coach, that in and of itself creates accountability.”

  • “I'm very competitive and aware of when someone's watching me. Whenever I do something, I feel like I need to be the best at it. It's not exactly one of my best qualities but I think when it comes to business, it really helps me to know someone's watching me, because my competitiveness won't let me slack. “

  • “Without accountability, I have a tendency to either procrastinate or become overly anxious and immediately drop ideas/business changes.”

Is it time to let someone in your mental house?

Someone who is on your side and has the experience to help you get to your 2022 goals?

Yesterday, I announced a brand new program that Grow will be offering.

Studio Growth Accelerator is a 1-to-1 coaching and mentorship program for music studio owners who want to eliminate the toughest challenges and obstacles from their professional life.

Registration for the program begins this coming Monday, December 27th.

Stay tuned this week… I will send more details about the program, including costs and schedule.



PS> Do you have questions? Are you excited about this?

Send me a message here or just reply to this email

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