Subject: My favorite 2021 movie

I wanted to WARN you about something!

I have a pick for “Movie of the year”...

And I wanted to let you know about it before it leaves theaters for good!

If you want to watch a movie that is more than mere “spectacle”...

An intelligent movie written for adults…

That is more than “throwaway” entertainment…

With one of Hans Zimmer’s best scores (click here to listen)…

You need to see the movie “Dune.”

Cast includes Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya, Oscar Isaac, and Javier Bardem

Dune is on my mind today because of a quote from the movie / Frank Herbert novel (the source material).

The quote?

“Fear is the Mind-Killer”

There’s a scene in the film / book where the protagonist (Paul) is moments away from dying.

And, he lets go of his fear… relaxes… and receives clarity and insight.

I’ll let you discover what happens next.

What does this have to do with your music studio?


The University of Minnesota did a study on the impact of fear on your life (including your business).

Here’s a quote from the study:

Fear can interrupt processes in our brains that allow us to regulate emotions, read non-verbal cues and other information presented to us, reflect before acting, and act ethically. This impacts our thinking and decision-making in negative ways, leaving us susceptible to intense emotions and impulsive reactions. All of these effects can leave us unable to act appropriately.

These side-effects generally fade away once our fear does. After all, humans aren’t built to feel fear constantly. Chronic feelings of fear and anxiety have significant negative effects on our physical health and emotional well-being.

Despite being a work of fiction, Dune gets this point right.

Fear can shut down our personal and professional life.

Fear will keep you from:

  • Saying “no” to your clients

  • Raising your rates

  • Demanding more of your students

  • Letting go of that teacher that is creating a toxic work environment

  • Firing that problem student

  • Creating a more powerful vision for your life and career

  • Enjoying your job

And fear is one of the areas that we work on in a brand new program that begins on January 1st.

This is why I created Studio Growth Accelerator…

Studio Growth Accelerator is a 1-to-1 coaching and mentorship program for music studio owners who want to eliminate the toughest challenges and obstacles from their professional life.

This is for studios and music schools of all sizes.

I wanted to create a program for business owners that went beyond information…

And actually addressed the ROOT PROBLEMS in our businesses.

Instead of just more information on “what” to do…

You will receive personalized coaching and advice that helps focus you on your next most valuable step.

Instead of “community,” group coaching, and yet another Facebook group for you to join...

You’ll have a highly-skilled 1-on-1 coach that will keep you accountable and motivated.

Those joining the program will receive the following:

  • 1-to-1 attention and specific advice about YOUR business

  • A personalized business plan for 2022

  • A coach who has run a large music school… a coach that knows OUR industry and has personally solved hiring, money, and growth challenges

  • Accountability to your coach (you won’t just disappear into the “crowd”)

  • Access to your coach for motivation and help while you work on the plan

  • Access to Daniel and our team of Grow business coaches to work on your biggest challenges

  • A program that goes beyond surface level problems and helps to address the root causes of the obstacles that most studio owners face

  • A say in the resources, templates, and trainings that we create for the community

More information will be released about the program each day this week, but for now just mark your calendar because…

Registration begins next Monday, December 27th, 2021.

If you’d like to influence the program or signal your interest…

Just click the button below to leave me feedback.

We look forward to working with you!

