Subject: My 3 Year Old and the Super Bowl

Good morning!                      

Last night, we hopped in the car and went to a friend's house to watch Super Bowl.

My 3-year-old was very excited. Our friends have girls in their early teens who are obsessed with babies. Calvin knew he was going to be getting all kinds of attention.

All the way there: "Am I going to see Sarah and Rebecca?" Over and over and over again.

It got to be just a little bit annoying.

Like father, like son.

I'm telling you this story because I'm kind of excited, too. And - at the risk of annoying you - I just HAVE TO ASK YOU A QUESTION.

I'm really excited that you downloaded my guide... and I really want to know two things:

1- Have you gotten started yet with what you learned?

2- What are your results?

There are a lot of professional "advice givers" on the Internet. There are a lot of Monday morning quarterbacks. I have ideas to share with you, but I'm not primarily interested in puffing myself up as some kind of expert.

You see... What gets me up in the morning is hearing about people making new breakthroughs in their studios or music schools.

So, if you haven't finished reading the guide... block out the time to do so.

If you have, but feel overwhelmed... then I have just a few starting places for you.

Make A Facebook Page

Get started by creating a Facebook page. Or, if you already have a Facebook page, make a commitment that you are going to actually start USING your Facebook page.

Begin Your Picture Strategy

The picture strategy is the core piece of advice I gave in the first 1/3rd of the guide.

You will need to get permission from parents, but that shouldn't be a problem if you follow the recommendations I give.

Make Plans to Begin Promoting Your Page

Even after a few weeks, you could begin promoting your page using the free outreach tactics I gave in part 2 of the guide.

It's simple... and it's very likely you will begin seeing results in a very short period of time.

I hope you don't mind me sending you an email from time to time... We piano teachers need to stick together!

Have a great week of teaching!


PS> One last thing... my new blog will go live next Monday on February the 15th. I'll send you an email or two to remind you next week.

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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