Subject: Music lesson scam

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WARNING: It’s difficult to detect sarcasm in an email. Keep this in mind as you read the opening of this email.

So, I wanted to take music lessons.

Everyone told me that if I wanted to learn how to play music... that I needed a music teacher.

I don’t know about you… but that sounds like a scam.

Why spend $1000+ a year to learn music when I could just watch YouTube tutorials?

Why take from a teacher that charges $60, $80, or even $120/hr when there are perfectly good teachers on Craigslist charging $50 a month?

Does this sound ridiculous?

Of course it does…

Yet, this is the same line of reasoning I’ve heard from music school owners when it comes to investing in a coach for their studio business.

Why invest in a coach or training when I could figure it out on my own?

Why invest in someone who has been trained as a professional coach when I could just buy a much cheaper membership or an ebook or get “peer support” in a Facebook group?

If this is the mindset that you have… I’d recommend just deleting this email right now.

However, if you have the realistic mindset that it’s desirable to get outside help from a professional (just like your music students sought outside help from your music lesson business), then I have a…

… Special Announcement and Invitation

I am currently accepting applications for a new “beta” program that I’ve spent several years developing and eight months creating… and I am inviting you to consider joining this special group.

This is not an online course or membership forum… it is a 1-on-1 coaching program… unlike any program that is currently available to music studio owners.

I am not going to heavily promote this beta program. 

You won’t receive several dozen emails reminding you about it over the next few weeks.

We are intentionally keeping the beginning group small to focus on developing the program.

If you have an interest, you need to act now… because this is one of the few times you are going to hear about it in the month of August.

Should YOU Apply?

This 1-on-1 coaching program is designed to give personalized help to studio owners so that they can achieve their career and life goals in a balanced way.

This doesn’t necessarily mean numerical growth for your studio.

It means defining and developing a unique plan for your studio.

How will you know if you should apply for this program?

I’ve created a list to help you know if this is for you or not!

If even one or two of these items are true of you… it would be reason enough to apply.

If many of these describe you… then it’s a no-brainer:

  • You want a 1-on-1 coach that can answer your questions and challenge you in your career

  • You want to significantly increase the profits in your business

  • You want a professional relationship that keeps you accountable

  • You want a professional coach who has worked in our industry that can share a different perspective on your business and career… and manages a studio that does at least $500k revenue a year

  • You want someone who can identify where you are stuck and give you tools that are unique to YOU to get you to the next level

  • You don’t want to have to sift through courses, blog posts, videos, books, Facebook groups, or pre-recorded videos to find information - you want answers as quickly as possible

  • You already possess motivation for change and want someone to push you to the next level

  • You want someone who can help you discard 95% of the things on your to-do list and identify the 1 - 3 actions that you should take THIS month to get you to where you want to be

  • You want someone to help you develop mid- and long-term goals… and then actually support you as you make progress towards them

It doesn’t matter what size your studio or school is.

  • You can be a single-teacher or multi-teacher studio

  • You can have 10 students or 500 students

  • You could be doing lessons in your home, in a commercial location, or online

What matters is that you want growth and have a desire to make that change.

What’s in the Program?

Herein lies the challenge of describing a coaching program… and one of the reasons that people are hesitant and skeptical about joining one.

The program is whatever you want and need it to be.

So, how do you describe the “deliverables” when we can’t know what they are until you join!?!?!?

Here’s how...

I have spent 1000s of hours coaching studio owners over the past five years.

I’ve personally spent over $80,000 in coaching over the past 5 years.

I can tell you that the coaching process itself can make or break someone’s coaching experience.

Grow Your Music Studio’s process is as follows:

  1. When you join, you fill out an intake form - giving us a look at your goals and obstacles

  2. You choose your call frequency

  3. Your coach will create a custom business growth plan based on your answers to this diagnostic.

  4. You meet with your coach on your pre-arranged monthly schedule - and work on that business growth plan

  5. During the month, you can take advantage of live Q&A calls, special training sessions on community selected topics, and hot seat sessions with other members of the community

  6. Use as many or few of the additional business resources as you like… they are there for support on top of the work with your coach

If I stopped here, it would be terrific…

But, wait! There’s more! (I couldn’t help myself).

The Coaches

A good coach will teach you what you need to succeed.

A truly amazing coach has the confidence to let you set the agenda and then help you create, develop, and execute a concrete plan for reaching your goals.

The coaching team at Grow meet the following criteria:

  • Have founded and run a school that does at least $500k per year

  • Have training in coaching and/or team management

  • Have demonstrated success in marketing, hiring, finance, and product development

I’ve hand-picked these trusted partners and watched them as they coach others.

They get the Daniel Patterson stamp of approval.

Conclusion & How to Apply

I have been running a coaching program at Grow since 2016, but… This is the beta run of this expanded program.

What I have described is the basic structure and “promise”... but it is not exhaustive. I fully intend to adapt this program to those who join.

Anyone joining the beta will get the following benefits:

  • Lower introductory price to work with a 1-on-1 studio business coach

  • Lockin at that price FOREVER

  • More access to me and the other coaches

  • Live Q&A’s with the coaching team

  • A say in the resources, templates, and trainings that we create for the community

  • A say in the eventual name, branding, and direction of this program

If you’d like to be a part, simply click the link below and fill out the application. There are also other details on that page including cost and time frame.

Only those who apply and are accepted will receive the invite to join next week.

Please apply by Monday, August 9th, 2021.

Click Here to Apply

Have a wonderful week… and we look forward to working with you!

Very best,


PS> If you have a question, reply to this email… happy to answer questions for you!
