Subject: Meet a studio that does $1M+ a year

During the early part of 2020, I worked with a large studio in Brooklyn, New York. 

They hired me to come in and train their team how to build a marketing funnel for their in-person and online lesson programs.

Just 8 weeks after we began, the funnel was performing at a 350% ROI on a monthly basis...

Even while the pandemic was raging!

Here’s a short video where you can learn from the owner of this 7-figure music school:

Whether your goal is to enroll 20 students or 200 students…

You need an effective, simple marketing system.

And the simple point I want to make here is…

If I could coach a school making over $1.5M a year in revenue… I can coach you, too!

If you’d like that support, access to all of my marketing templates, and feedback from me

You can apply to work with me in Studio Marketing Masterclass and be ready for strong enrollment and a better business in 2022.

You can apply for free here:

All details about costs, logistics, and training schedules will be released on November 21st.

Only those who apply (and are approved) will get the invite on the 21st. 

Very best,
