Subject: Man removes his own appendix

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I will send a few reminder emails until January 1st, 2022. After that, registration closes and I will not send anymore emails for a while.

Have you ever had a surgery or been through a major medical procedure?

Can you imagine if you had to perform the surgery on yourself?

Explorer Leonid Rogozov didn’t have to imagine.

The Soviet doctor was on an expedition to the Antarctic in 1961 when he diagnosed himself with acute appendicitis (he’s on the right in the picture below).

They were 36 days away from civilization by boat… and he knew that he had less than a week before his appendix burst.

The 27-year-old doctor did what he had to do… he taught several of his team members how to assist him…

And - while in terrible pain - he operated on himself with only a local anesthetic.

He would work for four to five minutes at a time and then stop to take a rest because the pain was so great.

One of his crewmates even took a picture during the operation. I’ve blurred out part of the picture out of respect for the squeamish:

He survived the surgery.

And then this absolute legend remained on the exploration team for another year!

Performing Surgery on Yourself

I’ll be honest… I was pretty stupid.

For many years, I performed “surgery” on myself… but in my business.

I had business struggles.

I wasn’t reaching my income goals.

Progress felt slow. It was slow.

I was frustrated and angry with this slow progress.

I diagnosed my problems and went to work on them.

With the benefit of hindsight, I now see that (unlike the Soviet doctor) I misdiagnosed some of my problems.

And the problems and obstacles that I did diagnose correctly… I often went about solving those problems in an inefficient or wrong way.

I later worked with a coach named Melissa, and I expressed my frustration that I “wasted” 10 years of my life trying to do things on my own.

She said: “Daniel, you can’t skip your own evolution. You can’t skip your own growth. If you went back in time and live it all over again… that Daniel would make the same decision 100% of the time.”

She’s so right.

Not only had I made mistakes before… I was making a mistake here by dwelling in regret and self-incrimination.

I previously held myself back … and was now holding myself back for holding myself back!

She worked with me around this self-blame and helped me get back on track through conversations that we had on a bi-weekly basis.

And that’s why I created the Studio Growth Accelerator program...

By some stroke of luck, I learned about business coaching… and though I was suspicious… I investigated it.

I discovered an amazing coach and his program (several years before meeting Melissa and working with her).

I decided to “give it a try.”

And it was life-changing for me.

So much so… that I put my own business plans and dreams on hold for two years to learn how to coach in the powerful way that my coaches (Dave, Gary, Melissa, Russell… and then - later - Ben and Troy) did for me.

By some stroke of luck, you and I have been connected.

And - I’m going to do everything in my power to show you how much it can help you.

It saved me time.

It saved me frustration.

It helped me become a calmer and happier person even though I went through some really tough times in my personal and business life.

I want the same for you!!!!!

If you’d like more information about what the program includes, click the link below to find a complete description of the costs, terms, and benefits you’ll receive.

Click here for information or to register

What’s Inside the Program

When you join the program, here’s what you’re going to get every month.

1-on-1 Master Coaching

Meet with your coach (Alyssa!) on a regular basis to work on your goals, problems, fears, frustrations, and business challenges. You’ll leave each Zoom call knowing exactly what you need to work on before your next meeting… and knowing that your coach will hold you accountable to this result.

Monthly Leadership Development Call

Meet with Daniel on a monthly basis for a group session around how to become a “business warrior.” Mental toughness will help you to work smarter, harder, and with less frustration. These live sessions will allow the group to interact with Daniel’s secret weapon resources that have helped him build multiple successful businesses.

Monthly Q&A Video

Throughout the month, the community will vote on the topics that they’d like to be covered by the leadership team. There will be a monthly video released covering topics of the greatest interest to the entire community. This will increase to semi-monthly and weekly as the membership hits certain levels.

Personalized Plan from Your Coach

As mentioned before, you can get a plan from a course, a book, a podcast, or some random in a Facebook group. Working with your coach will help you to develop a plan that focuses you on fewer, better things. This plan will help you to get an ROI out of this program.

As the program grows, I will continue to add more, but this is an enormous value for the price you’ll pay to join this program.

Do you have questions? Concerns? Comments?

Just send an email back. I’ll answer every email that I receive.

Registration ends tomorrow night (January 1st).

Very best,


PS> No one learned an instrument by taking lessons for one month.

You know that the more committed a student is… the better their results.

We are looking for committed business owners who want to level up.

So, while you can choose a month-to-month option… if you’d like to enjoy the additional discount just type in “SIXMONTHS” in the coupon code at checkout and your membership will be automatically discounted.