Subject: [MTNA Video] 5 Questions About Studio Marketing

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In 2018 and 2019, I was asked by several different MTNA chapters to give a presentation on how local music schools could get more music students.

I gave this presentation in person… and I’ve now recorded a digital version of this presentation to help you enroll more students for the “Fall Rush.”

Should you watch this video?

Here’s a checklist that will help you decide:

  • If you receive less than 5 lesson requests per month…

  • If you feel uncertain about what you should write on your website or your social media channels…

  • If your studio isn’t bringing in enough revenue…

  • If you struggle to retain your students…

  • If you aren’t sure how to get people to find your studio…

  • If you aren’t sure how many people visited your studio’s website last month…

  • If you have time to improve your studio marketing, but don’t have a plan or are unsure of your plan…

  • If you’ve run ads for your studio before but got a poor response or no response…

Then you should definitely watch this presentation!

This is one of the most value packed resources I’ve ever released…. And is actually only the first of a series of resources I’m releasing this month that will help you crush your studio goals in 2020 and beyond.

Ready to begin?

Click the button below to watch the video or download the transcript / summary.

By clicking the button, you will immediately get access to this resource + the bonus resources that we will be releasing throughout the month.

Yes! I Want to Learn More About Getting Students!


Very best,


PS> Was this helpful? Do you have questions? Send me an email… I read and answer every email!