Subject: Learn the music; one phrase at a time

On Tuesday, I shared a few stories about how seemingly small decisions and insights helped me make big changes or overcome business obstacles that I had.

I promised that I would share the coaching process that helped me gain these insights.

So, in today’s email, I’m going to share with you the 8-step coaching process that my coach shared with me.

This is how he was able to support his clients in getting to their goals.

It’s how Alyssa and I intend to help you get to your goals.

My Coach’s Fancy Process

I once asked Dave how he helped clients.

How was he able to help me so much?

This was his answer:

As for structure, the only structure I use is this...

1) Build rapport with the client.  If they are not comfortable or safe with me nothing else will be accomplished.

2)  Get a really clear sense of what life looks like for them right now. Every part of their life and business.

3)  Get a really clear sense of what they want life to look like. Business, personal, family, financial, everything. What’s the dream?

4)  I ask them why they haven’t created the dream yet.

5)  I take copious notes on their answer to this.

6)  Ask “Which of these barriers - if removed - would have you flow effortlessly into your ideal scenario?”

7)  I do coaching around that barrier.

8)  We continue to find and remove barriers until they get to their goal.

There it is.  All the magic of my coaching in 8 steps 😃

He sent this to me in an email as I was training with him to be a business coach.

I could clearly see that he faithfully followed this process.

And it’s the process that I’ve followed with my clients.

Yes, it seems simple - but if you were to describe learning an instrument to someone it also would sound simple.

  1. Learn the first phrase. 

  2. Play it until the notes, rhythms, and expression are secure. 

  3. Then learn the next phrase. 

  4. Repeat until you complete the song.

Nothing wrong with that advice, right?

Of course not… but it is an oversimplification of a process that takes skill and time.

This is why I’m offering the Studio Growth Accelerator program...

I want to give studio owners access to personalized, professional coaching.

I want to help them get insights into why they are stuck, stalled out, and not achieving their full potential.

This had a massive impact on my career.

I know it can have an impact on your goals, doubts, fears, income, and career, as well.

Our music students could learn on their own…

But, it’s so much more effective to do the “simple” work of practice and learning music when you work with a professional.

Would it make sense for one of your music students to go it alone?

Of course not.

Then why would you?

I’m going to talk about this concept a bit more tomorrow… but in the meantime…

Maybe it’s just time for you to join us and the other registrants.

If you’d like full details on the program, just click the link below.

This includes costs, information, benefits, and terms of the program.

It also includes a discount code for those who are committed (read the PS below).

Coaching plans start at 299 / month.

Click here for more information or to register for the Accelerator Program

Have a great day… Remember, registration closes on January 1st, 2022!

Very best,


PS> No one learned an instrument by taking lessons for one month.

You know that the more committed a student is… the better their results.

We are looking for committed business owners who want to level up.

So, while you can choose a month-to-month option… if you’d like to enjoy the additional discount just type in “SIXMONTHS” in the coupon code at checkout and your membership will be automatically discounted.