Subject: Learn from studio owners doing $500k+ per year

This email is specifically for clients of Grow Your Music Studio who have been in one of our trainings or coaching programs in the past few years.

Why did your parents enroll you in music lessons?

Why did you get a degree in music?

Your reasons might vary from mine in ways... but I think every musician could agree that it makes sense to learn from a fantastic teacher!

Someone who is farther down the road... and has the skills to communicate wisdom and knowledge to a student.

Similarly, in business, I have learned much from folks who are far ahead of me in their journey.

That's why I have assembled a team of experienced music school owners to help music studio owners who have big dreams and aspirations.

I've specifically selected these owners because their studios have grown to $500k+ in annual revenue (and in some cases $1M+)... and they have a lot of wisdom to share with owners of both large and small studios.

Beginning in the summer of 2021, these studio owners will be available to our clients to answer questions and help them in:

  • Curriculum development

  • Marketing

  • Program development

  • Hiring

  • Scaling

  • Retention

However, we won't know what to share if we don't hear from you!

Would you take a few minutes to answer some questions about your studio and how Grow could support you in the coming months?

Yes! I Want to Learn from Industry Leaders!

We will use your answers to help you with content and resources in 2021 and beyond.



PS> Do you not plan to take this survey? Would you like to not receive a reminder about this survey? If so, just click here... and you won't receive any reminders.