Subject: Law & Order: Music School Edition

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Law and Order aired in the fall of 1990. I was only 8 years old at the time.

But - I discovered the show in my early 20’s, and I have to say...

Those early seasons remain a guilty pleasure for me… it’s nostalgia for a bygone world.

The show is known for its formula… so iconic that is been parodied by comedians, comedy shows, and Saturday Night Live.

One of my favorite parodies is from John Mulaney:

"Every episode of Law & Order is exactly the same!"

They got the formula down… And the creator of the show turned that formula to a multi-billion dollar franchise.

And that’s the topic of today’s email.

The Formula for Your Studio

I can’t emphasize this enough.

When it comes to growing your studio… you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

You don’t have to make it up as you go along.

There is a formula for growing any business… including a studio business.

  1. Create a compelling offer

  2. Put that offer on a piece of digital real estate (ideally, a website)

  3. Get at least 100 people per month to find that offer

  4. Follow up quickly with the folks who reach out to you

  5. Deliver on the promises you made in your offer

That’s it.


I’m not exaggerating when I say that the majority of studio owners that I meet have difficulties with those five steps.

What Music Studio Owners Tell Me (Do You Say This?)

When I show those five steps to studio owners, here’s what they say.

1> They look at the list and say: “I’m not sure how to create a compelling offer or get people to find my offer.” 

This is a knowledge problem.

They need a basic education on how to work this system, this formula. It’s a matter of giving them the right information at the right time.

Or... drawing out their own enthusiasm about their work and channeling enthusiasm into simple promotion and marketing.

2> They look at this list and say: “OK, I understand this list and I did those things… but I’m getting low, slow, or NO results.”

This is an application problem.

I.e., they made an offer… but it wasn’t compelling.

Or, they got 100 people to come to their site but it was the wrong 100 people.

In other words, there needs to be a skill increase in these areas.

The solution is to use the right system and get quality feedback on the work you are doing.

This is why I created Studio Marketing Masterclass...

There are formulas and frameworks for each of those five steps.

For example…

There are offer formulas that I teach music studio owners that help them take their lesson program and make it compelling.

It not only helps them get people excited… they’ve even told me that the frameworks have influenced how they teach!


There are social media and website formulas that can be learned in as little as 20 minutes that can significantly boost the number of people who contact you about starting lessons.

This is all in the training.

For those who don’t want to reinvent the wheel…

You can apply today to join me in this training.

  • I’ll teach you my formulas

  • I’ll look at your work PERSONALLY and make sure that you are doing it correctly

  • You’ll get results before you leave the class

If you’re interested in saving time, enrolling more students, and being paid what you’re worth…

You can apply to join the class below:

The last class of 2021 begins at the end of November.

Full details, costs, and information will be available to those that apply. 

Have a great weekend!



PS> That means if you want full details for the class, you should apply above.