Subject: Just ask

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A Simple Concept for Your Studio

I have a simple concept that I want to share with you today:


I’ve found that much of the stress I experienced in my studio early on was completely avoidable.

Instead of guessing what parents were thinking about the lessons or the studio or my teaching… I should have asked them.

Instead of imagining and stressing over a rate change… I should have just done it and let the chips fall where they may.

Instead of wondering why people were coming to my trial lessons but not signing up… I should have picked up the phone and asked them.

Instead of coming up with new programs and ideas and wondering why parents were skeptical… I should have asked them.

So many problems could have been avoided if I did the hard work in the short term.

I should have just asked. I should have just made things plain and simple and straightforward for my clients.

No games.

No arm-twisting.

No guilt-tripping.

No imagining what people are thinking and fretting about it.

Just asking.

I do things differently now in my studio.

I try to do the minimum amount necessary to get the maximum result.

I strive to find the shortest path between point A and point B.

I try to do good quality work in an open and honest way.

I ask people what they want and what they are thinking… instead of stressing over the thoughts of other people.

As it turns out, this is my philosophy for the Grow Your Music Studio business.

Which leads me to...

All I Ask of You :)

Here’s my simple, straightforward offer to you and a simple ask.

In a few weeks, I open registration for my annual summer training on starting, marketing, and teaching a group lesson program in your studio.

It’s called Successful Group Lessons. Over 150 studios have taken this training in the past 2 years.

Here are the details:
  • It’s an online training
  • It will help you start a group program or improve an existing program
  • The core training is 12 hours of video and 13 hours of video bonus materials
  • It has MANY observation videos of my group lessons in action
  • It allows you to copy and paste my group lesson marketing emails
  • It shows you how to teach in multi-level groups
  • It doesn’t require a special curriculum
  • There are NO ongoing licensing fees
  • Most people complete the training in about 3 weeks
  • The record for someone taking this training and starting a new program is 21 days!!! You can read about that by reading Jon’s Story
Registration opens on June 3rd. At that time, I will have lots of details for you including costs.

If you have interest in group lessons or KNOW that this would be helpful in your studio this fall…

I’m simply going to ask you to click the button below.

You will receive emails from me a few times each week over the next few weeks.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be answering your questions about group lessons through live videos, pre-recorded videos, and emails.

Then, on June 3rd, I’m going to be giving a complete program description including costs and dates of the training.

If you are interested, curious, or just want to learn more about group lessons, just click below. When you click the button, you will be taken to my Facebook page where you can watch some videos I’ve made recently about group lessons and studio marketing

This is the last major update I’m going to send you… I figure by this point you know whether this topic is for you or not.

I will send a few more reminder emails between now and then…

But unless you click that button above, you won’t get the information about the training or the invitation to join the training.

Have a great week!

Very best,

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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