Subject: Insulting Your Intelligence

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In March, I want to teach you about studio growth.

And I want to do it without insulting your intelligence.

If you’ll give me a minute, I’ll explain. And, in doing so, I will share with you the first Marketing Lesson that I have for you this month.

But first...

On March 25th, I’m opening registration to my training program: Studio Marketing Masterclass.

And, I’m not going to promise you that it’s the “secret” you’ve been looking for.

There are no “magic formulas.”

You won’t create “Your Dream Studio” (what is that even?)

The Masterclass helps you build a complete marketing system for your studio business.

It’s a lot of work.

But, when you complete it, you could reasonably expect to:
  • Attract new students using paid ads and free social media marketing
  • “Pre-sell” your students before they even talk to you… so that they respect you and what you do from day one
  • Spend as little as 30 minutes per month maintaining your marketing system
I’m confident about what I’ve just said because I’m going to teach you how to do what I do.

I’m going to teach you the same thing that I just taught 24 studio owners to do during our last session of the Masterclass. These same studio owners began to see huge changes in their results… even before we started talking about how to write great ads.

Now, I want to reveal my thinking… what I just did was

Marketing Lesson #1
Marketing is communicating the value of what you have in a way that your potential client understands

This is stark contrast to the “hype” based marketing that is the easy, lazy way out.

I could have said:

“Create your Dream Studio”

“Learn the secrets”

Etc. etc. etc.


I’m not going to insult your intelligence. I don’t need to use “hype” or lazy, empty phrases to try to “convince” you to join the training.

And I don’t want you to insult the intelligence of the potential clients of your studio!

The very best way to attract someone to your business, product, or service is to very clearly communicate what your product can do for their lives. Not what your product can DO… but what it will allow THEM to do.

Translate it into something that they can understand.

This is a huge distinction!

Lose the trite phrases:

“Best Lessons in the City!”

“Give Your Child the Gift of Music”

“Music That Will Last a Lifetime”

These phrases don’t mean anything. They are an emotional neutral. It doesn’t do anything to promise what your clients are actually looking for.

If you truly want to communicate value to your families…

Tell them what they will be able to do once they join your studio. Tell them the “superpowers” that their child will gain. Relieve their deepest fears about music instruction and the awful stereotypes that our industry suffers from.

This is how you run a successful, ethical, honest, and (most importantly) profitable business that will teach your clients to respect your work. It will inspire prospective clients to want to work with you.

That’s the lesson:

Tell them what they will be able to do.

It’s how I am going to market Studio Marketing Masterclass over the next few weeks.

It’s how I recommend you market your studio.


One week from today, I am going to invite you to apply for the Masterclass.

Two weeks from today, registration opens.

If you are accepted, I’m going to show you how to get into the heads of your clients.

I’m going to show you how to communicate meaningfully to them.

I’m going to give you many examples from my own studio and the studios of my most successful clients.

No exaggeration: We will completely transform your marketing message from something boring, trite, cliché, and insulting…

To something that is effective and persuasive.

If you’d like to be a part of the marketing lessons all month long… just click here (If you already clicked to join last week, you don't need to click again).

Thank you very much for reading.

I look forward to sharing many more things with you.

Very best,

PS> Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Leave them here. Later this week we are going to do a live Q&A, and I am going to be collecting your questions about marketing all week.

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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