Subject: Increase your rate in 2022?

We surveyed 1000+ teachers in 2021…

The #1 goal that most studio owners had?

They wanted to increase their income… and this wasn’t just small studios. Even mid-size and large studio owners frequently stated this was one of their goals.

I mentioned this in a blog post I made a few days ago.

Why was this a frequently stated goal?

Was it greed?

Lack of gratitude?

In my estimation… no.

In most cases, I traced the income problem back to a fundamental business problem:

  1. Not enough customers

  2. Rate was too low

  3. High costs (lease, teaching staff, marketing costs ate into their margins)

Straightforward problems, so…

Easy straightforward solutions, right?

Just raise your rates!

Do more marketing!

Track your financial metrics!

Cut costs!


We solved all of our problems!

Not so fast…

The truth is that every teacher that I meet that is SCARED of raising rates already knows what to do.

But, they can’t do it.

They second-guess themselves… sometimes for years.


They get “bummed out” by tracking their finances…

They “don’t know” how to market.

Again - every teacher or school owner I've met that has these problems deep down knows what they need to do.

Information isn't the problem.

What’s holding these music studio owners and music school owners back (even studios doing over $500k per year who “don’t know how to announce a rate change”) is...

  • Lack of Feedback

  • Lack of Support

  • Lack of Accountability

  • Lack of Motivation

No course, “challenge”, Facebook group, or mass market program is going to help you overcome these deeper problems and struggles.

And - for those who are highly motivated and capable - you need something to challenge you.

Something Big is Coming…

As I mentioned in my video about what to do in 2022, our industry has matured.

The solutions to our biggest problems in the private music education industry are already well known.

And yet - I see the same people on Facebook groups asking the same questions year after year…

Struggling with the same problems year after year…

Or, studio owners who have been in paid "support groups" for music school owners found that they weren't getting the personalized support they needed to overcome their problem quickly and decisively.

And it makes me sad.


I’ve spent the last year working on a solution to this problem!

And it's very different than anything that is available right now in our industry!!!

If you’d like to learn more, I’m going to release videos, emails, and blogs about this topic in the month of December.

Want a better 2022?

Does this resonate with you?

Just click above to signal your interest in getting unstuck and rapidly achieving your goals in 2022.

Talk soon,
