Subject: Imagine the best student you ever taught

I know teachers aren’t supposed to play favorites, but

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Who was your favorite student you ever taught?

I bet a name immediately comes to mind.

I have a quite a few favorite students, including this bright youngster that I played a duet with nearly a decade ago…

When you think of your favorite student… What traits come to mind?

Here’s a few that I observed in my students (including Gina):

  • They clearly loved playing music

  • They loved getting better at their instrument

  • They cared… they had an innocent internal motivation

  • Didn’t complain when I assigned them new songs

  • Always came to lesson prepared

  • Often brought “extra” music to lessons that they wanted to learn… on top of their regular studies!

  • Stayed in my studio a long time

  • Did well on their music exams and recitals

This translated to fast progress through their books, thorough skill building, and independence (which would serve them long term).

Wouldn’t it be great if we had more students like that?

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to jump-start a child’s motivation and desire?

I have to tell you… I think there is.

I saw it happen with my own son.

I actually enrolled him in a studio using Piano Express and watched his progress through the Express method.

If you’ll have a little patience, I’ll tell you a story that will bring a smile to your face…

And I’ll show you the experience a student has going through the Piano Express method.

How to Get a Child to Fly Through a Method Book

This is a short story of my son’s experience in Level 2 of Piano Express.

Here’s what I observed:

  • The traditional method was easy for me to understand and follow along with

  • The gamified experience kept “fighting” to a minimum… he had a routine and would go to the piano without being asked because he wanted to get more “stars”

  • He became obsessed with getting “perfects” in the tech components of the method

  • He actually passed MORE songs outside of his lesson than his lesson (see below)

  • He flew through the method because he had no barriers to progress

  • Since the method is designed to prepare students for the Royal Conservatory exams, I was satisfied with the rigor

Here’s a screenshot of my son’s dashboard for Level 2:

If you zoom in on the image you can see the completion dates of his songs.

On his 2nd day in the level, he passed 11 songs…

On his 3rd day in the level, he passed another 5 songs…

All outside of his lesson.

What pleased me was that I knew that he wasn’t just getting great scores on “fun songs”...

But that this was part of a traditional progressive method that was building his skill and leading him somewhere.

Meanwhile, he thought he was playing a game.

And, meanwhile, his teacher was thrilled with his progress and watched him complete the entire 65 page level with all perfect scores in just about one month.

That would have been nearly impossible to do in the context of a traditional group… Not enough time and the other kids would have held him back.

It would have been difficult in a 1-on-1 lesson where she would have had barely any time to hear him play all of these songs, teach him, check his written work, and work on his skills in the Discovery book (sightreading, ear training, and improvisation).

The point?

You can greatly increase the chances that a child will “catch fire” when you remove barriers for them.

This is why we have new studios signing up to use the Piano Express group method every week.

They see the benefits of a method and system that:

  • Increases student practice time and engagement

  • Produces students who meet rigorous testing standards

  • Allows studios to see up to 240 students per week with just two teachers

  • Includes comprehensive teacher training to increase teaching effectiveness and consistency

  • Generates a multiplier in revenue, increasing profitability for studios

  • Decreases scheduling headaches and increase flexibility

  • Ensures consistent revenue and decreases billing confusion

  • Increases job satisfaction for music teachers

  • Promotes work-life balance for teachers to increase job satisfaction and effectiveness

  • Can be utilized by both large music academies and smaller studios that are wanting to scale

But, please don’t take my word for it…

Sign up for a demo to learn more about how to license this program in your studio..

If you don’t want to sign up for a consultation just yet… just click here to learn more about the Piano Express method.

If you have questions, just reply to this email.



PS> Group lessons are all the rage in the music education industry right now… but Piano Express remains one of the easiest systems to get started in.

It’s only 299 USD to take our ENTIRE training… including how to convert over with VERY little pushback from parents.

If you’d like to start our training for free, just sign up for a demo


Was this helpful? Forward this to a friend who would love to be looped in. :)

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At, it’s our mission to build a community of music education entrepreneurs that love building, scaling, and expanding their music studio! We focus on equipping these entrepreneurs with the very best information as it pertains to growing and scaling a successful, profitable music school. We love to help people learn how to market and scale their local and online studios. We do this by showing them how to teach students in a group setting rather than providing a service that can't scale - so they can live a great life and make a great living at the same time.

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