Subject: If you are overwhelmed...

NOTE: You are receiving this email because you are a member of one of Grow’s training programs. If you don’t want any more emails from us for the rest of April, please just click here.

I talk to dozens of studio owners every month…

A word I frequently hear is “overwhelmed”...

They’re overwhelmed with:

  • Balancing work and family life

  • Filing taxes

  • Learning about marketing

  • Dealing with late payments and missed lessons

  • Finding teachers to hire

  • The “17 hats” they have to wear in running their business

  • How to have a “normal” life when dealing with late teaching hours

  • 100 small tasks each week that eat away at their time

  • Time management

  • The amount of “advice” coming from the Internet

  • Searching for answers to all of these questions and issues

  • Sorting through all of the “advice” and data that could help them solve these problems

  • Trying lots of tactics and feeling frustrated by the perceived lack of results

This is just the beginning of the list… I could go on.

One of my mentors (Steve Chandler) says:

“When we imagine or perceive that we are overwhelmed by outside events (or options, or tough choices, or situations, etc.) it is an illusion! Our brains don’t even work that way.

Only a thought believed can produce a feeling of overwhelm.”


What is he saying?

Very simple…

We feel overwhelmed when we try to hold in our mind all of the things that we have to do.

This is a form of self-torture because it is impossible to do more than one thing at a time!

This is true for everyone on earth.

Including you.

This is why I created Studio Growth Accelerator…

It is a program designed to focus you on the next, best action in your studio.

It’s not a training.

It’s not a course.

It’s the only music studio membership in the world that connects you with a 1-on-1 mentor that helps you design a custom plan for your studio.

If you want:

  1. Better income

  2. Better marketing

  3. Better curriculum

  4. Better retention

  5. Better hours

  6. Better students

  7. Better team

(Or even just a few of those things)

I would invite to fill out the application form below… and I’ll send you more details about how to join this coming Monday (April 18th).

This is still a small program (by invite only).

If you have questions, just click the reply button.

Kind regards,


PS> By the way, I made a video about this last week with lots of details… if you didn’t get to see it, you can click here to watch it now.