Subject: If ‘The Crown’ Ran Your Studio

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You are receiving this email because you signed up to receive helpful, educational emails from Grow Your Music Studio. Throughout December, I’m going to be sending you positive stories and helpful thoughts about studio business.

Let’s jump in...

One of the best shows of the past decade is ‘The Crown.’

Without giving any spoilers, the show centers around the ascension of Elizabeth II to the throne.

It shows the struggles that she encounters as she balances the love she feels for her family and the duty that she inherited when she became Queen.

What Elizabeth wants and feels frequently comes into conflict with what the Queen must do.

How does she decide what to do? How does she handle the emotions that tell her to forsake her duty and vows to her people and the country? How does she deal with the pressure to take the easy way out?

“The Crown must always win,” says her grandmother.

That scene gave me chills the first time I saw it.

Duty calls us to something higher than our own personal preferences. Our own weaknesses.

There is a powerful lesson in that statement for you and me and our studios.

The Business Must Always Win

Yesterday, I sent out a video about six ways we can self-sabotage our own studios. 

Just a few:
  • Compromising on our payment policies
  • Not charging enough
  • Being inauthentic about student progress to parents
  • Looking the other way when our staff or teachers disregard studio policies
What’s going on here?

In each of these cases, we are tempted to take the easy way out.

We know that if we raise rates people might quit.

We know that showing up powerfully will initially be uncomfortable for everyone (including ourselves!).

We know that creating the studio and income we want might take a lot of time, effort, investment, and continuing education.

We know that we might have to acquire skills that don’t interest us (learning Facebook ads, learning how to market).

But, the studio must always win!

It doesn’t always feel good to do the right thing. It doesn’t feel good to nurture or babysit or take care of the business.

But, when we do, the business thrives.

And, after a while, the business begins to take care of us!

Stop and let that sink in.

I never imagined when I graduated from university in 2004 that I could create six-figure margins with a studio business.

But, here we are.

Duty calls.

And, if we listen to its call, we will create something incredible.

Have a great weekend!

Very best,

PS> I will be sending you a number of emails throughout the month of December in advance of the January class of Studio Marketing Masterclass. Registration will begin midway through December.

More details about the class and what it can do for you are forthcoming!

But - if you want to make a HUGE change in 2020 and don’t want to wait for registration… you could schedule to have a free call with me about increasing your income and enrollment.

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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