Subject: I got the v*rus TWICE

I got the “illness that shall not be named” prior to March 2020.

And… despite all the measure that I put in place to avoid catching it a second time…

I got it again early last month.

I went to see my doctor, was examined, and was given a treatment protocol.

Beat it very easily (thank goodness)!

Now imagine this…

Imagine I went into the office and before I was examined…

… he came into the examination room already writing a prescription for me!

Hasn’t examined me.

Hasn’t talked to me.

Doesn’t know the first thing about what’s up with me other than that I’m there to see him.

Question: Would you take the prescription?

Of course not!

It’s malpractice!

If you wouldn’t accept that prescription for your body or your health…

Why would you do it for your studio business?

Business Malpractice

Over the years… as I’ve worked on my business with a coach...

I’ve discovered that there’s two types of coaches out there:

1. Coaches who I can tell already have "canned" answers for my problems. Who only listen at the surface level. I can tell they're just waiting for me to stop talking so they can tell me the same thing that they told everyone else.

2. Coaches who listen. Coaches who realize that the reasons for a problem are complex... and that if they were just to dig a little deeper... They might find the true cause of a problem and be able to help unlock their client's issue with insight and creativity.

The first coach is an “advice robot.”

The first coach is committing business malpractice.

The second coach is a master at empowering their clients to outgrow their own problems.

I know which I prefer to work with.

I’m telling you this because this is directly related to the…

 secret announcement… 

we have for the new mentorship program that Grow is announcing at the end of the month.

I have been running a coaching program at Grow since 2016, but… This is the inaugural run of this expanded program where you will work with a Grow studio coach.

If you are interested…

Would like more information…

Or would like to influence the program…

Just click the button below!

I look forward to reading your answers!

Have a wonderful weekend... and we look forward to working with you!

Very Best,


PS> If you have a question, reply to this email... happy to answer questions for you!