Subject: I can't make you love me

I know a lot of great music teachers.

Fantastic studios with terrific programs. They put out their very best message to the world.

The clients they do have love them.

But - sadly - the owner feels the sting of rejection every day.

Little to no response to their marketing.

Few contacts.

Discouraging questions like: "What are your rates?"

I've literally had studio owners ask me:

"Am I just not good enough?"

Wow. That's heavy.

It's enough to make anyone get out their "Best of Bonnie Raitt" CD and ugly cry while playing "I Can't Make You Love Me."

Why Does This Happen!?!?

Is quality just not good enough anymore?

Is it really just a competition of who can yell the loudest on social media?

Which studio or school can post the most?

Who has the deepest pockets for ads?

I know I have a reputation as the "marketing guy" and so the answer you might expect here is a cold, hard "Yes"...

But that is not the case.

The Disconnect

If those statements above feel really true, then I want you to read carefully.

I'm going to help you solve those problems.

First, answer these questions in your mind. Or write the answers down on a piece of paper.

What do you believe is true about the world? About music?

What do you believe is possible for your student?

What ignites YOUR passion about teaching and sharing music with your studio?

I ask, because...

Your answers determine the programs you offer and (just as important) how you communicate about them.

You have to have both. This is very important!!!!

I work with studio owners every week who passionately communicate to me what makes their studio unique. I see the results they get for their students.

But - when I see what they write, what they post, how they present it to the world, how they communicate...

There's a huge disconnect for me.

The value does not come through.

And - I promise you - there's a huge disconnect for their intended customer, too. Their customer isn't feeling the value.

I know this is true, because as soon as we take that vision / message and change how the studio owner communicates it to the world...

The results change.

(By the way, here are nearly 5 dozen examples of those results changing)

Instead of the world responding with ambivalence...

Instead of studio parents being neutral or even hostile to the studio...

There is passion. Curiosity. Gratitude. Loyalty.

Not over time... but even from the very beginning of the relationship.

What to Do...

It's not about being loud on social media.

It's about communication.

It's about translating the value of what you do into language and stories and concepts that your ideal customer will respond to.

Help them feel that emotion.

When I learned how to make that connection...

When I developed that skill...

Results changed for my studio.

I want to give you that power, too.

This is why I created Studio Marketing Masterclass...

Whether you are just cutting your teeth on marketing or you've been in business for a long time...

Whether you are a small studio or a large music school...

You can create a compelling message and offer that draws in exactly the kinds of students that you are looking for.

I'll support you in this journey so that you're ready for Fall 2021 enrollment.

Just click the button to apply...

Click Here to Apply

The first class of 2021 begins mid-May.

Full details, costs, and information will be available to those that apply.

Have a great day!

