Subject: How to get your tuition a year in advance

Ten years ago, I came up with a great idea.

I had credit card debt and I wanted to pay it off quickly.

My thought?

“Why pay interest to the credit card companies?"

“I’ll ask my students if they would like a discount on lessons… and they could get it if they paid their tuition in advance."

So, I created several promotional emails.

I sent it to my entire studio.

And, I came up with thousands of dollars on the spot.

Yes… I gave a bit of a discount, but it was less than I would pay in interest over the next year.

Problem solved.

So, here’s my question...

Have You Given a Black Friday Deal Before?

Have you ever thought to take advantage of the “buying mood” that people are in at this time of year?

It’s too late for a deal this year… but I would do promotions throughout the year in my studio!

Christmas, winter break, New Years, spring break, summer break, fall break… I would promote a program or special camp or give special deals to people.

It would be very easy for you to do this as well.


How do you get people to say yes to you!?!?

It’s simple.

Make them an offer they can’t refuse.

Most studios put out a weak offer:

  • Free trial lesson

  • Books free with registration

  • Or… even NOTHING… they literally offer nothing more than “lessons"

Here’s the cold, hard truth:

If what you are offering is the same as EVERYONE else...

And the way you talk about it is the same as EVERYONE else...

And the way your customer perceives it is that you are the same as EVERYONE else...

You are making a very “resistible” offer.

That’s why I created Get Music Students Now.

In the GMSN program, I have an entire module dedicated to:

  • Finding your studio’s unique message

  • Finding your studio’s unique offer

  • And showing you how to write about it in a way that makes your customer sit up and pay attention

I’ve helped dozens of dozens of studios rehab their studio’s image almost overnight.

Once you get this skill, you will be able to effectively promote your offers, your camps, your programs, and your vision.

And - when you join during this special promotion...

You’ll get to work with me one-on-one.

Learn more on this page… or just scroll to the bottom of the page to register.

Click Here to Learn More!

Talk to you soon!

Very best,


PS> If you sent me a question over the weekend or today - and still haven’t received a response - do not worry! I am working my way through my inbox… I’ve received a lot of messages from studio owners all over the world.

Takes time to send these personal responses… thank you for your patience!