Subject: How to Fail Your 2022 Goals

Every email list I’m on is sending out “How to Achieve Your 2022 Goals” like we haven’t already heard all of that advice before.

Instead of doing that… I wanted to send out the “Anti-Goal” list.


Your odds of success go up when you avoid obvious errors vs white-knuckling your way to success…

Or - to put it another way - the easiest way to live forever is to find out where you’ll die and just never go there.

Do you catch my meaning?

Let’s avoid obvious errors and have the best year ever for our studios and music schools in 2022.

Here we go:

How to Fail At Your 2022 Goals

#1 Pick random goals

I recently worked with a client who had a goal of making $200k+ per month as an eventual goal.

I asked this person why that specific number.

They couldn’t give me a reason. 

It was just a big number, and they had no emotion around it - and no plan to get there.

80% of people abandon their goals by mid-January… but I’m sure you’ll be different!

Why risk disappointment? No need to get excited over this!

#2 Keep everything in your head

Set your goals.

Figure out how to get there…

And then never ever write anything down!

Studies have shown that writing down your goals and plans increase odds of success by over 50%... but what do they know!?!?!?

I’m sure that attempting to remember everything is the best use of your brain’s limited focus and attention each day.

#3 Don’t track your business’ numbers

It’s a bummer to have to look at your bank account, your website visits, how many contacts you are getting each month, and metrics that reveal how effective your studio’s curriculum is.

You’re so busy… you don’t have time to track down that information and analyze it on a regular schedule.

Better just to “feel” your way through it… and let your intuition guide the way!

#4 Jump quickly from solution to solution

Tried Facebook Ads and they didn’t work? It’s probably my local market.

That coach didn’t get me the result I wanted? It’s got to be him… not me!

Studio parents still complaining about my makeup policy? Better jump on the Facebook groups and see what everyone is suggesting this week.

If you can just find the right “magic bullet”... all of your studio’s problems and ills will go away… no doubt!!!

#5 Focus on quick, easy solutions

Avoid learning, transformation, new habits, and growth.

What good is getting to your goal if you have to leave your comfort zone to get there?

If you can just find the “secret sauce”... the “magic bullet”...

You’ll get the same result as all those people who worked really hard…

But, you’ll get there faster and without having to change!


#6 Look for the cheap solution

They say the best things in life are free!

So…. Don’t invest in yourself or others.

Always try to find the cheap, easy solution.

Figure it all out yourself.

Don’t look for support or help… whether that be a coach, a training, or hiring a team member.

After all… if you can get to the solution without having to spend money, that’s just more for you, right!?!?

Do these resonate with you?

As I’ve been hinting for the past two weeks…

Something big is coming on January 1st!

If you’d like more information on how to get mentoring, personal support, and a personalized plan for your studio in 2022…

Then simply click the button below.

And (while you’re at it)... fill out the short survey on that page.

You will directly influence this mentorship program that is being revealed after Christmas!

I look forward to reading your answers!



PS> I talked about mentorship and accountability in my very well received video last week about how to achieve your studio goals in 2022