Subject: How can I help?

You are receiving this email because you have purchased a training from at some point since 2016!

That could include:

Studio Marketing Masterclass

Successful Group Lessons

Scale Your Studio

Get Music Students Now

Studio Profit Secrets

Music School Marketing System

I'm sending this email to you because there are several important announcements that I want to communicate to you...

  1. Grow will be releasing a podcast later this year

  2. Grow could potentially help you get leads for you business

  3. Grow is going to be releasing some free trainings specifically for past clients (and ONLY past clients)

  4. Finally, in 2021, Grow is focused specifically on supporting our past clients... not so much a focus on getting new clients

If you'll watch the video below, I will explain in more detail why I am telling you this...

In order to better serve you, we have made a survey for only past clients.

This is so we can know what to put on the podcast, what free trainings to create for past clients, and even how to better support you in your career.

Would you please take a moment to fill out this survey below?

How Can We Help?

Thank you... I look forward to hearing from you!



PS> Do you not plan to take this survey? Would you like to not receive a reminder about this survey? If so, just click here... and you won't receive any reminders