Subject: How I raised rates 40% in my studio

I raised my rates by 40% over a 3-year period in my studio.

What's more... my clients were basically asking me to do this.


If you'd like to learn, click below to watch a short, free video on how I did this.

There is no "secret" behind raising rates in this way.

It was simple economics.

I had a lot more inquiries than I had slots available.

I kept testing higher and higher prices.

This is why I created Studio Marketing Masterclass.

There is a system for getting massive numbers of inquiries... and giving yourself the opportunity to raise your rates, as well.

It's so easy and simple that I can explain it to you in four steps:

  • Create a traffic source for your studio business

  • Send that traffic to a website or landing page

  • Collect the information of the potential clients

  • Aggressively follow up with them

That's it.

That's the system that I used to make six figures each year in my own home studio.

It's the system that I've helped 200+ studios set up in the last 30 months (from small studios to one studio that does nearly $2M in revenue each year).

It requires barely any maintenance.

It works whether your studio is 30 students or 300 students.

And, I'm more than happy to help you build it.

Just click the button to apply...

Click Here to Apply

The first class of 2021 begins mid-May.

Full details, costs, and information will be available to those that apply.

Have a great day!



PS> By the way, today's video is from a longer interview where I talk about many different topics that are of interest to music studio owners.

If you'd like to watch the full interview... click here to watch that interview (there are timestamps available).