Hopeless, lost, and confused.
This is how I would describe how I felt the first few years that I promoted my teaching studio (from 2004 - 2006).
I didn’t have a lot of students.
I didn’t know how to get students.
And, I wasn’t sure what “worked.”
Here’s the funny thing…
This is how most studio owners feel.
I know because I have interviewed over 200 studio owners since September of 2019.
These studios have ranged in size from just a handful of students to 680+ students.
During these conversations, I consistently heard 5 questions over and over again.
Q1: What is marketing?
Q2: Why should I market my studio?
Q3: When should I market my studio?
Q4: Where should I market my studio?
Q5: How do I market my studio effectively?
I answered all 5 of these questions in this new resource that I’ve created. It is an expanded version of a presentation that I delivered for MTNA (Music Teacher’s National Association) in 2018 and 2019.
If you click the link below, you can get these answers - for no cost.
This presentation is my gift to you.