Subject: Here's the Black Friday deal that I bought...

Every year, I brace myself for the Black Friday emails that I start getting from every email list that I’m on.

I get bombarded with emails... and I ignore most of them.

And yet...

I bought a Black Friday deal in the wee hours of the morning today.

Here’s my receipt:

I got a discount on a piece of software that I use to run my business.

So despite my general apathy with every single company emailing me about their deal...

I still bought this deal.

Why did I do this?

I bought it...

Because it was important to me.

And it got me to thinking...

What’s Most Important to You in 2021?

If getting more students and more income is the most important thing to you in 2021...

I want to offer you a deal.

I recently promoted Studio Marketing Masterclass… Our premier marketing program.

Not everyone was ready for that kind of financial commitment.

So, I am offering a special deal on our mid-level marketing program...

If you purchase Get Music Students Now between now and midnight Monday...

I will throw in a personalized, 1-to-1 coaching call with me.

You will get access to:

  • My persuasion training

  • My funnel templates

  • 12+ student “getting” strategies

  • Our support community

And everything else that is included in the Get Music Students Now program.

But, you will also get personal access to me.

To read a full description of the program...

Click here:

Yes! I want to Get Music Students Now!

Click that button to read the description… or just scroll to the bottom of the page to join.

I look forward to helping you grow in 2021!

Very best,


PS> If you don’t want to hear about this Black Friday / Cyber Monday deal again, just click here now.