Subject: Group lessons for your studio

You are receiving this email because you’ve signed up to receive educational emails about studio growth from Grow Your Music Studio.

Over the past three years, I have helped over 250+ studios begin a group lesson program in their studio.

Some of these studios are smaller (less than 50 students). Some of these studios have been huge! (one studio we worked with has over 700 students)

Starting a group lesson program in my studio changed my career (I’ll explain that more throughout the month of December… including a powerful email I’m going to send later this week)...

If you have interest in group lessons or starting a group lesson program... I'd like to answer your questions.

Please send me your questions about:

  1. How to set up a group studio

  2. How to get parents on board

  3. How to maintain high educational standards in a group program

  4. What methods to use (don't let anyone tell you that you have to buy a special "group" curriculum...ANY method book can be adapted to a group format)

  5. How to teach students in different levels in the same group - without sacrificing quality

  6. Any other questions you can think of!

So, if you'd like to ask a question OR you just want to receive answers to other's questions...

Click the button below!

I want to ask a question about group lessons!

Look forward to reading your questions!



PS> If you want to see my answers to other people's questions, just click the button above.