Subject: Get rid of your chairs

You are receiving this email because you showed interest in the Accelerator program.

If you don’t want anymore emails about this opportunity, just click here and we will take you off the list of applicants.

I will send a few reminder emails until January 1st, 2022. After that, registration closes and I will not send anymore emails for a while.

In an interview with actress Anne Hathaway, she talked about working with director Christopher Nolan.

She has been in several of Nolan’s movies, including Interstellar and The Dark Knight Rises.

Anne had this to say about working with the legendary director:

“Chris also doesn’t allow chairs on set. I worked with him twice. He doesn’t allow chairs on set, and his reasoning is, if you have chairs, people will sit, and if they’re sitting, they’re not working…I mean, he has these incredible movies in terms of scope and ambition and technical prowess and emotion. It always arrives at the end under schedule and under budget. I think he’s onto something with the chair thing.”

She didn’t mention this… but the director doesn’t allow phones on his sets either.

I understand this thinking.

When we think about success and growth and getting to our goals, we think that it’s going to be some monumental huge event that causes it.

We create the perfect ad campaign.

We get a grant and are able to invest a bunch of money into our studio.

We discover a method book series that kids absolutely love and they won’t stop practicing as a result of it.

In my experience, it’s never these huge events…

It’s the “chairs” decisions that make the difference.

It’s dozens and hundreds of small, (seemingly) insignificant decisions.

It’s the little habits and disciplines and decisions that add up to huge wins over time.

This is why I’m offering the Studio Growth Accelerator program...

I wanted to give studio owners access to the same powerful coaching process that helped me make dozens of small (but significant) changes.

These changes added up for me over time.

I’ve referenced these significant coaching moments throughout the past month and in the video that I made with Alyssa.

For example:

  • My coach challenged me to do a new marketing technique that I had been procrastinating on for two years. I knew that I should do it… but I kept stopping myself with doubts and negativity. In less than an hour, he helped me overcome this obstacle… and it led to a huge jump in revenue over the next six months

  • I once paid 3500 to work with a coach for ONE month on a hiring challenge in my business. He gave me a framework for hiring and managing my first real employee... and I saw a huge jump in revenue because of the simple work that I did with him.

  • I thought of myself as a business "loser" for a long time. I didn't think I would have success outside of my music studio. One of my coaches (Melissa) helped me overcome self-criticism and negativity in just a few phone calls with her. It made getting up and going to work each morning a lot easier.

  • One of my very first coaches challenged me to stop being afraid of my customers. He didn't give me any fancy business techniques or "secret" knowledge. He challenged me to do something in my business that I had been afraid of doing... and it led to a 33% jump in revenue in the next 3 months.

I could go on and on and on.

You’ll notice a lot of these obstacles that I overcame were in my own head!!!!

Look at the words I used… “loser”, fear, afraid, challenge.

This has nothing to do with marketing or hiring or learning more facts about business.

It has everything to do with getting unstuck where we are stopping ourselves.

Do you want to get unstuck?

This is not a trite question.

I mean it.

Do. You. Want. To. Get. Unstuck?

Click here to register for the Accelerator program

Look out for another email from me on Thursday…

Because I am going to share that coaching process that worked for me and that we are going to use with you all in this program.

By the way...

Here are a few short details about the program.


We are making 3 plans available.

Select the one that is right for you!

There are three options:

Fast Track

Two 90-minute calls per month

Personalized growth plan (to keep forever)

Participation and access to Q&A calls

Participation and access to Leadership & Growth calls

All Access: Communication channel with your coach for check-ins or to ask questions and get support between your coaching calls

Increasing library of resources


One 90-minute call per month

Additional 60 minute call the first monthl

Personalized growth plan (to keep forever)

Participation and access to Q&A calls

Participation and access to Leadership & Growth calls

All Access: Private Slack channel with your coach for checkins or to ask brief questions between your coaching calls

Increasing library of resources


One 60-minute call per month (call only plan)

Personalized growth plan (to keep forever)

Participation and access to Q&A calls

Participation and access to Leadership & Growth calls

Increasing library of resources

You can choose to go month-to-month… or you can enjoy an additional discount with a 6 month commitment.

Final Thoughts

Here’s how it will work.

When you register, you will receive a followup with us early next week.

You’ll start to do a deep dive with our coach Alyssa.

She’s been running a premium studio in downtown Boston for nearly a decade…

She’s a whiz at marketing, business structures, and building training systems for her teaching staff.

You will officially begin on January 1st.

You’ll schedule your first call with Alyssa.

And, the additional benefits that you get as a member will begin.

I look forward to working with you!

Very best,


PS> No one learned an instrument by taking lessons for one month.

You know that the more committed a student is… the better their results.

We are looking for committed business owners who want to level up.

So, while you can choose a month-to-month option… if you’d like to enjoy the additional discount just type in “SIXMONTHS” in the coupon code at checkout and your membership will be automatically discounted.