Subject: Failing out of music school

You are receiving this email because you signed up for educational emails from For the next few weeks, I’m going to be sending you resources, emails, and videos about studio growth. Let’s jump in...

My piano instructor in college is (arguably) the most influential person in my life.  He changed the course of career.

I wouldn’t be writing this email to you today, if it weren’t for him:

Many fond memories were made in this office

Without him, I wouldn't have made it in music. I wouldn't have started my own teaching studio. I wouldn't have been a professional performer in my 20's.

When I began with him, I had many obstacles to overcome. My high school piano instructor had taught me bad physical habits. I was woefully underprepared for the rigors of music school.

He saw my deficiencies.... and he saw how hard I was working to overcome them.

So, he went the extra mile for me.

Even though he was contracted to spend 50 minutes with me each week... 

He would schedule me last in his day and sometimes stay 2 or 3 hours with me, helping prep me for my sophomore evaluation.

I would have failed out of music school if it weren’t for him.

I am eternally grateful to him for the effort he gave and the care that he showed for me.

Giving Back

I want to give back.

This is why I’m very excited to announce that...

Over the next few weeks, I'm going to be sharing a huge number of resources, emails, videos, and tools for growing your music studio.

And then in mid-November, I’m beginning a new session of my studio growth program: Studio Marketing Masterclass.

The Masterclass allows you to copy and paste the ad funnels that grew my studio to six figures in income.

It works for small studios. I’ve taught this strategy to teachers who have NO students or few students… and they’ve grown by dozens of students in a short period of time.

It works for large studios. I’ve taught this strategy to HUGE music schools that do millions in revenue… They have seen consistent growth and a steady flow of new contacts.

Over the coming few weeks, I’m going to be sharing stories and strategies from this program.

You will learn quite a bit from these emails and videos and resources!

Is this for you? 

Look at this list of goals...

  • Charging premium rates (or raising rates in general)

  • Less time spent on admin in your studio or school

  • Starting profitable new programs in your studio or music school

  • Becoming the most visible studio in a 25-mile radius

  • How to spend less than 60 minutes per month on studio marketing tasks (not an exaggeration) and still generate 100-200 leads for your studio this coming year

  • Decreasing anxiety over the future of your studio

  • Building an online lesson studio

If you resonate with these goals, then stay tuned...

It all begins this coming Monday.

Very best,
