Subject: [FREE] Every group lesson resource I've ever created

Over the past four years, I've created an enormous number of resources about group lessons.

And they are scattered all over the web...

  • On my blog

  • On YouTube

  • On Facebook

  • On hidden pages of my site

For someone trying to locate resources on how to start and run a group lesson program, it would be difficult - if not downright impossible - to locate all of these resources. Especially since they don't know where to look.

So, last year, my team and I created a blog post with links to almost all of the public resources that I've created on group lessons.

This blog post covers the following topics:

  • How to support students and give them attention in the context of group

  • How to teach theory in group lessons

  • How to prep students for recitals or exams in a group lesson program

  • How to get parents on board your group lesson program (or any kind of program)

  • My blueprint for creating a high-income career teaching group

  • How group lessons can increase your studio's retention and quality of student

  • Many, many more resources, ebooks, and videos to answer any and every question you have

You can access that blog post here:

We've compiled this in advance of our upcoming class of Successful Group Lessons.

On June 20th, you will have the opportunity to register for our group lesson training program.

Successful Group Lessons has helped over 270 studios start and run group lessons both in person and online.

In this class, I show you the group lesson system that I invented in 2008 that allows you to freely mix age and ability levels... with no loss of educational quality.

The class covers:

  • Logistics: How to set up your group studio (both in person and online)

  • Marketing: How to get parents on board (this includes our Magic Emails that you can copy word for word to convert all or part of your studio)

  • Education: How to actually teach the group program and get stellar results (this is the longest part of the training)

  • Q&A: Join our live classes and participate in our alumni community to troubleshoot or get your questions answered

This is the best group lessons training program on the planet.

If you don't want to have to start from scratch...

Reinvent the wheel...

Go through years and years of painful trial and error (like I did)...

Just click the button below, and I'll make sure that you receive all of the costs and registration details on June 20th!

Yes! I am interested in learning more about group lessons!

Have a great week! I will be sending more resources, information, and emails throughout the coming weeks!

Very best,


PS> If you do NOT want any more emails from me this month about group lessons, just click this link. You will be taken to our Facebook page, and we won't email you about group lessons again!