Subject: [Email 1/5] 300 Music School Owners Agree

Over the past 10 months, I have spent 400+ hours on the phone or Zoom with music school owners.

They asked me their biggest questions...

They told me their most challenging problems…

This week, I’m going to show you the 5 most common problems that music studio owners face… and my solution for these problems.

I want to be respectful… Not everyone likes receiving emails!

I will only send you the first problem and solution. If you would like to receive the rest of the emails in this series… simply click the button below.

Yes! I Want To Solve My Studio Growth Problems!

Warning: This email is a little longer than usual. 

But…. If you read nothing else from me this month, read this entire letterbecause I am announcing something absolutely game-changing at the end of this email.

With that out of the way… let’s jump in:

The #1 Problem That Studio Owners Face

This probably won’t come as a shock to you.

I asked a number of studio owners what prevented them from reaching their revenue goals.

I received 300 responses.

Here is just a sampling of the responses I received:

The overwhelming consensus?

Getting students.

The 2nd place problem isn’t even close. And - by the way - these responses come from owners of music studios of all sizes (just a few students up to hundreds of students).

Our industry has been in the Internet age for 20 years.

I have to ask:

Why is this such a challenge for music studio owners?

That’s fairly obvious.

I don’t recall marketing classes being on my course program while getting my degree in music!

So, to make this super super simple for you, I’m going to break down the solution into two very broad categories.

Solution: Two Options

So, how do we solve this problem of no students? Especially in these challenging COVID times?!?

There are two options:

  1. Pay an agency or marketing expert to do it for you

  2. Do it yourself

There are pros and cons to both of these options

Get Someone Else to Market For You (An Agency)


When someone else builds your marketing for you…

You can focus on the lessons and administration of your studio. It takes a huge amount of pressure off of you.


It’s expensive. Like… really expensive. Getting someone to build a quality client-getting funnel for you is going to cost (minimum) $5,000… and even that seems ridiculously low to me. 

Think about it… when I built a winning funnel for my own studio, my income jumped from around $50,000 to over $100,000 per year… in about 15 months. That funnel made my life easier, and it added $250,000 in EXTRA profit over a five year period.

You’re not going to get something that valuable at bargain basement prices.

Not only that, finding someone you can trust and who understands our industry can be a challenge.

Do-It-Yourself Studio Marketing


Building your own marketing system for your studio is a good use of time. Why?

There is no one more qualified to communicate your studio’s value… than you.

Moreover, you won’t find anyone else on the planet that is more motivated to increase your enrollment… than you.


Marketing is an actual skill.

And, skills take time to develop.

We would roll our eyes if someone came to our studio and suggested that they learn how to play a Grade 10 piece in their first month of playing.

We shouldn’t expect to be “expert” studio marketers if we haven’t put in the practice.

So, what do we do?

How do we make the choice?

This is why I created Get Music Students Now.

I don’t think a studio owner should have to choose between spending years learning all the technical details of marketing… or mortgaging their studio, house, and soul to afford working with an agency.

Exactly one week from today, I am opening up the doors to a brand new program.

On August 17th, you will be able to register for the Get Music Students Now program.

When you do, here is just a small sampling of what you’ll receive:

  • A playbook of our 11 best organic “student getting” strategies that you can use to generate new students every week

  • A high-converting student funnel… without spending $1000s of dollars on a web developer or designer. You are reading that correctly… we will build your funnel for you for a fraction of the cost that it takes to work with an agency.

  • More time to spend on the things you love in the business… instead of spending time fiddling around with technology and frustrating technical headaches

  • Our private funnel designs that we have spent years refining, testing, and perfecting… Saving you $1000s of dollars in development costs.

  • Three tools that have reduced the amount of time that I spend on marketing every month to just an hour or two - these tools are yours to keep forever!

  • A complete marketing growth plan that will show you how to scale to 50, 500, or 5,000 students… it will lay out every step for you! No need to buy another marketing book, join another Facebook group, do another “30 day Challenge,” or watch another video on studio growth ever again!

  • Action guides that show you (step by step) how to grow your music business, get paid on time, get new students, and do it in as little time as possible!

There is nothing else being offered like this in our industry.

This is going to be a game-changer for music studio owners (small and large studios).

Imagine having a professionally designed campaign for your studio..

At a tiny tiny tiny fraction of the cost of working with an agency.

Mark August 17th on your calendar… because that’s when your studios results will change forever.

Very best,


PS> Do you know of another music school owner that could use an enrollment boost right now?

Forward them this email!