Subject: Do you have the time to grow your studio?

“How much time does it take to improve my studio’s revenue?”

I have two answers.

Answer #1:

For me, it took me several years. I was working in a determined fashion, but I didn’t really know what I was doing.

I listened to tons of podcasts, YouTube videos, read books.

I learned in the famous “School of Hard Knocks.”

I easily spent hundreds of hours working on my marketing over in a several year period.

Answer #2:

For our clients, it takes 3-6 months working about 5 hours per week.

I have distilled everything down to a simple (but powerful) marketing plan.

It is adaptable to small studios and large schools.

And, I’ve been helping people understand and execute that marketing plan for years.

If you’d like to see how it works, I made an 11 minute video.

If you want a better studio, better growth… you should watch this.

I wouldn’t waste your time. :)

Brief summary of the video:

Brief summary:

  1. What you need to build

  2. Short example of how it works

  3. How I learned this

  4. How you can apply it

Click here:

As I mentioned in the video, I worked diligently on my marketing from 2010 - 2012.

And, I still run this studio marketing system today. Hundreds of studios that I’ve taught are using this.

It was a one-time expenditure of my time… for a long term result.

If you’d like to get to your results faster, just click the button to apply to work with us:

Only those who apply (and are approved) will get the invite. All details about costs, logistics, and training schedules will be released on June 6th.

I look forward to working with you!

Very best,


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