Subject: Do YOU wear too many hats in your studio?

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NOTE: This email is a little longer than usual. However, you will quickly know whether the content applies to you or not.

While the content could apply to owners of any studio size… it might be of particular help to studio owners of mid-size and large studios.

In February of 2016, I began the Grow Your Music Studio blog.

We are coming up on the third anniversary of that very first post that I released.

At the time, I had no idea what this thing could become (or did become!)...

And, I didn't realize just how much time and work this would be!

As I began to work with more and more studios on group lessons, marketing, and scaling... I ran into a huge problem.

I was finding it almost impossible to work less than 80 hours per week.


Because I was running a studio, an Internet business, and a coaching program all at the same time.

I had people working alongside me... but they were only "bit" players. They did odd jobs here and there (like fix things on my website or format my blog posts).

I didn't have someone who I could trust... someone who could make "command" decisions...

What I will tell you is that when I expanded my business to include team players like that...

Everything changed for me.

To be clear:
  • I hired a studio assistant to completely manage my studio
  • I hired a marketing assistant to handle marketing for both of my businesses
  • Both of these team members were 100% remote... they were able to do their work without needing an office to come to... keeping my costs way down
  • I created a hiring and training system to help them learn the fundamentals of my business very quickly - so they could make GREAT DECISIONS and I could turn things over to them
  • I created a task management system so that I could hand off projects to them... and know that they would get it done professionally and on time

Building a Team Leads to Growth

Now, here's the interesting thing.

I used to look at hiring team members as a cost. A "luxury" that would help me free up time.

How short-sighted of me.

What I've learned over the past 5 years is that every time I've handed off a low level job... it's freed me up to do higher value work that has increased revenue in my business.

Here's just a HANDFUL of the low-level jobs I've handed off:
  • Answering simple emails
  • On-boarding new students in my studio
  • Planning my recitals
  • Gathering simple information from studio families
  • Posting to my studio social media channels
  • Keeping up to date on records in my studio
  • Many, many tasks around invoicing and keeping track of payments in the studio (all the more important as my studio got bigger and bigger)
  • Doing simple website updates
  • Ordering books for my studio
  • Dozens and dozens and dozens of other time-sucking tasks that all take approximately five to ten minutes each... but that add up and kept me working long, long hours in my business
I began by adding a team member that worked about 5 hours per week for me... but, as she learned the business more and more, I began using her to do things that actually helped the business grow.

Things like:
  • Spending more time on marketing... which helped me see more people contact my studio
  • Spending time on improving the quality of lessons... new programs, new tools for students, new ways of challenging my students... things that caused studio families to specifically tell me they noticed the QUALITY that my studio was offering
  • Spending more time on self-development... I was able to take more time off than ever to recharge... to learn... to go on vacation... to read... to attend conferences... Things I love to do!
All while freeing up my valuable time.

Announcing: A Brand New Program from Grow Your Music Studio

Would you like to learn from me how to work fewer hours while growing your revenue?

Would you like to take margins from your business and INVEST them into one or more team members who can complete valuable projects for your studio business?

Would you like to learn how I prioritize what to delegate?

Would you like to learn how to train your team so that they can work efficiently and with little oversight?

Would you finally like to feel as if you can get ahead and unplug from your business?

If so, then you will want to read the next few paragraphs very closely.

I am very pleased to announce a new opportunity that will help a select group of studio owners get time back and lay the groundwork for scaling to whatever size of studio they want... at a fraction of the cost to work with me 1-on-1.

This week, I am offering the chance for a limited number of studio owners to join a new training that is going to cover the following topics:
  • My complete list of every task that you should get off of your plate as a studio owner... and how to train your studio team member to do them correctly
  • The exact way I've set up my team management system so that I can see who's doing what, how long they're taking, and making sure everything is done correctly and on time
  • My complete hiring process for my studio team... including sample documents and Non-Disclosure Agreements that you can use in your studio (you could pay $100's to get a lawyer to draft these for you... or just get them from me!!!!)
  • How I used this same process to hire and manage studio teachers... for both my own studio and the studios of my clients
  • The mindsets you need to let go of control... and sleep easy at night knowing that "your people" won't drop the ball
  • Pre-made training materials that you will get from me... so that you don't have to spend weeks and months training your own team
  • How to find a great team member... the strategies and scripts I use to attract great team members as well as the places online you can find fantastic help
  • How and when you should pay your admin or assistant
  • The big-picture vision you need to know how to LEVERAGE their time so that you can make more revenue and profit
  • How to develop a great working relationship with your team… to make your job and business life more fun (something I never imagined would happen… but, true nonetheless)
  • Basically… I’m not teaching you “interesting ideas”… just like with my other trainings, this is about a specific, effective way to delegate more, work less, and transform your studio from a self-employment scheme to a TRUE business… one that can function with or without you

Is This For You?

This beta program is perfect for the following types of owners:
  • Any studio owner who has considered working with a studio assistant or other team members
  • Any studio owner that works ridiculously long hours, missing out on time spent with family and friends... and can't seem to find a way to take off a weekend, let alone leave the business alone for a week or two of vacation
  • Solo studio owners who feel overwhelmed with the sheer amount of work necessary to keep everything running smoothly
  • This should be a no-brainer for mid-size or large studio owners who want to get started out right with an admin / executive assistant / marketing team member
  • Any studio that currently works with a team, admin, or assistant... but has the gnawing feeling that isn't going well... you're constantly fixing mistakes, you don't trust them, your team communication is poor, or you haven't found a good way to manage them
  • Any studio owner who wants to scale their studio business and knows that they will need a trusted admin or marketing team member to do so

SPECIAL BONUS for First Class

I have a special bonus for this beta class of studio owners. A one-time opportunity that I might never offer again.

For studios who join now... I'm offering the opportunity to work with one of the studio team members that I have personally trained in this system of organization and management.

This person has already been working for me for a year, and they will be available to work for YOUR studio.

If you've ever hired before, you know that it is a HUGE investment of time, energy, and money.

And, I'm going to help you scale your business, grow your revenue, and get your time back... by setting up this brilliant team member in your business within weeks.

NOTE: It does not matter if your studio team member is at your location or remote… many of my team members aren’t even in the United States… we still get the job done!


I'm not holding anything back...

I want to show you how to do this, as well.

I'm releasing it now, because I know that the material is rock-solid and ready to go.


This first class is going to be small, and I’m going to be releasing it at a special price for the first people who apply and join. I give you my 100% guarantee that the price will go up substantially when it gets released publicly later this year.

Only those who apply will receive any future communication from me about this beta class.

I’m sending this to over 4,000 studio owners. Priority is given to those who apply first.

You have until Friday to apply for the beta.

For those that apply, I will send more information on Friday.

The class begins on the 28th of January.

I might send one more reminder, but this is not like some of the other trainings that I do… I will not be sending out daily emails for weeks.

Have a great week… and (once again) Happy New Year!

Very best,

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DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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