Subject: Did you miss this?

Hi there… wanted to make sure you received this.

This past week, I shared a video about getting more students.

It answered these five questions:

Q1: What is marketing?

Q2: Why should I market my studio?

Q3: When should I market my studio?

Q4: Where should I market my studio?

Q5: How do I market my studio effectively?

If you want to get more students this fall, know what to put on your studio’s website, and build a sustainable studio…

Definitely click here to watch this video!




PS> This is just one of the many free resources I’m going to send you this month… in preparation for my marketing training starting in mid-June.

The summary of this training?

I will personally help you with your studio marketing.

Just click the button to apply...

Full details, costs, and information will be available to those that apply.