Subject: [Day 5/5] Your Studio Families Want a Leader

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All week long, I’ve been sending you emails with lessons about how you should market and promote your studio.

Today, we’re going to begin with the marketing principle.

Studio Marketing Lesson #5
Tell people what to do

Business genius Jay Abraham has a terrific quote:

“People are silently begging to be led.”

What does it mean?
The simple idea is that your customers want you to lead them to a solution to their problems.

I’ll give you an example.

When I began hiring team members to assist me with the blog and even take over parts of the administration of this business… I had a lot of questions as to how that would work.

It seemed like a daunting process to me. I had a lot of questions. I looked for forums and blog posts and videos. I looked for resources that would help me in how to organize systems in the business.

One day, I stumbled upon some videos on YouTube that were created to answer a lot of the specific questions I had.

Those videos led me to that consultant’s website.

The website told me they could help me solve my problem.

Within a few days of finding that site, I paid that consultant $3500 to help me solve the problem.

That is leadership!

And this is exactly what your studio families want from you.

Parents want to know that you have a plan. They want to know that the goals they have for their child will be realized. They want to know that your studio is the right place for them to be.

So… this is why it’s important to tell people exactly what to do.

On your ads… tell people exactly what you offer and what to do next.

On your website… make bold claims and make everything point towards getting in touch with you.

In your follow up emails or phone calls… be confident, be fun and explain the next steps.

People won’t do what they can’t visualize or understand.

Being clear, confident, direct, and assertive is not rude or sleazy.
It’s helpful.

It’s what your potential clients want!


I practice what I preach!

There are many people who watch my videos and read the Grow Your Music Studio blog that want to have their studio business questions answered, grow their studios, and make more money.

To that end, I have two immediate opportunities for you:

1. Today, I will be going live on my Facebook page answering YOUR questions at 1pm Eastern time.

If you’d like to ask a question you can do it live OR you can leave me a question on this post.

If you’d like a reminder, click the red button below

2. Next week, I will be accepting applications for my training Studio Marketing Masterclass

Should you apply?

If you want:
  • To make at least $1,000 more dollars per month (though many clients have increased their income by much more)
  • To increase your student retention
  • A predictable flow of contacts and phone calls
  • To copy my most successful ad campaigns and get the results I’m getting
  • To know what should and should not be on your studio website
  • To know how to write persuasive emails, social posts, and
  • To know exactly what to say to prospective clients on the phone and in your intro lessons
If any of the these are true of you, then I would recommend applying next week!

To receive the application (or to get a reminder to the Facebook event today), just click the button

Have a great weekend… and see you on the live session!

Very best,

PS> If you have a marketing question you’d like me to answer, but you DO NOT have Facebook, just email your question to me

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.