Subject: [Day 3/4] Trick or treat

Halloween is upon us.

Here’s a pop quiz for you:

What’s the “trick” in “Trick or Treat”?

I always thought it meant that the person giving the candy could either give a treat… or a “trick.” I imagined it was some garbage candy that no one likes or fruit. That seemed like a "trick."

Well, turns out I was dead wrong on this.

If you didn’t know, the “trick or treat” phrase is a passive-aggressive threat that if you don’t give a treat… that the youngster will perform a “trick” on your house. Usually some small act of vandalism.


Best to just give them the treat, right?

As usual, there is an application here… to growing your studio.

I'll elaborate...

Marketing Lesson #3

Studio Growth is a Numbers Game… And There’s a Way to Get “Treats” On a Consistent Basis

Do you ever wonder why people visit your website or Facebook page, but don’t reach out to you?

Or, if they do reach out to you... why do they contact you and then disappear?

Most music studios get 30-50 website visitors per month…

It would be amazing if even half of those people reached out! You would have a full studio in no time!

But… no! It’s all “tricks”... no treats!

Most studio owners report that they get few or NO contacts each month from their online presence.

What’s a realistic expectation?

How many “treats” should we expect? How many delicious contacts should reach out to us each month?

Believe it or not, if you are getting 1 in 20 visitors to reach out to you… you are doing better than 95% of studios.

This is based on years of study and personal experience of working with 400+ studios.

So there’s a couple of implications here:

1. Have realistic expectations! Don't get down simply because the majority of your visitors aren't reaching out to you.

2.  If you aren’t tracking the numbers on your site, you actually have no idea how good or bad your marketing is. Are you getting 1 contact for every 20 visitors? Or is it more like 1 contact for every 200? It's hard to know what actions to take if you don't even know what the facts are!

3. The key to studio marketing is NUMBERS. The more traffic you get… the more students you get. If your basic system is working (1 in 20)... and you want 10 people to contact you next month… You simply need to get 200 people visiting your online presence (website, FB, landing page, etc.)

“But, Daniel! How do I do that!?!? I’ve been trying to get more students for years!”

This is why I created Studio Marketing Masterclass.

I created a basic student growth system for my own studio.

I used to build it for other studios (only large studios could afford it).

Now, I’ve gotten so good at it… that I can teach anyone how to do it… at a fraction of the cost.

I show studios how to increase the number of people who find their online presence each month.

I say this confidently, because I’ve now taught this system to studios over 200 times.

If you’d like to learn how to get students on a predictable basis…

You can apply to work with me in the Studio Marketing Masterclass program.

I teach you how to get more students, how to be more persuasive, and show you the bare minimum you need to do to get that “student getting” system working for your studio.

And once you've created that... I personally evaluate all of the marketing you create during the program.

You will get tons of support from us!

Applications open this Monday, November 2nd.

If you’d like to receive the application you have to click this button below.

Click Here to Receive the Application This Monday

The final class of 2020 begins mid-November.

Full details, costs, and information will be available to those that apply.

Have a great week!

Very best,
