Subject: [Day 2/5] How to make new students like you

Years ago, I read a book on sales called Pitch Anything.

The author made a statement that I’ve never forgotten.

I’ll paraphrase:

“Beneath every business transaction is a social interaction. Whoever “wins” the social interaction wins the business transaction.”

What does this mean?

I’ll quote from another amazing book… Influence by Robert Cialidini:

“People buy things from people that they like.”

It’s that simple.

So - how do you get people to like you?

That’s the topic of today’s email… and to teach this point, I’m going to enlist the help of America’s 6-foot-5-inch sweetheart…

Studio Business Lesson #2:

How to Get People to Like You According to Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Vanity Fair did a piece on The Rock and this observation from Oprah really stood out to me:

“Johnson’s friend Oprah Winfrey detects something distinctive at work here. 

“Most people have the ‘Do you see me?’ gene,” she says, “but he truly has the ‘I see you’ gene. 

And I think the reason why he’s adored is because he is adoring of other people…. He really is what he appears to be. And people know that.”

This is one of the greatest business lessons you can ever learn:

To be interesting… be interested.

Be interested in other people.

This might sound counterintuitive in our time of “self-care”...

But I truly believe that business success comes on the other side of humility and putting yourself last.

I’m not talking about becoming a human doormat…

I’m talking about truly and deeply becoming curious about the people that you seek to serve.

In my own studio, I went to great lengths to learn why parents were enrolling. I wanted to understand everything about their experience as parents.

I wanted to create a safe place where they could be honest about their insecurities.

I had parents open up to me all the time about their concerns for their kids.

I would call up parents in my studio and just have a conversation.

I was gathering information.

I think this was the real secret of my studio’s marketing and business success.

And, it’s the reason I created Studio Marketing Masterclass...

I want to create a movement in our industry…

One in which we move beyond just being “music educators.”

One that isn’t just concerned with money or having a successful business.

I believe there’s a way to do business that improves the lives of people… both the business owner (you) and the people that we serve.

In the Masterclass, I spend the entire second module of the training showing you the way to create great marketing… from words and ideas and concepts that come directly from your studio families.

  • I'll show you the right questions to ask

  • I'll show you how to draw out the conversations that a studio mom might be afraid to tell you

  • I'll show you how to take these learnings and turn them into great offers, powerful ads, irresistible emails and phone scripts, and endless social media content

Trust me… when you get this right, growing your studio gets a lot easier.

And - when you begin from a place of service…

When you begin by saying to your clients “I see you and I care”...

It makes getting up in the morning a lot easier, a lot more exciting.

You can feel good about marketing your music school or studio.

Just click the button below to apply to work with us.

Registration opens on November 22nd at 12pm Eastern time.

I look forward to working with you!

