Subject: [Day 1/5] I'm going to save you $22,000

If you want more students, to be paid what you're worth, and to get the business side of your studio figured out... Then read this email carefully.

If you want more students, to be paid what you’re worth, and to get the business side of your studio figured out… Then read this email carefully.

I’m releasing a series of lessons about studio marketing and growth this week.

And we get started today...

Studio Business Lesson #1:

Let's Play the Price is Right!

Most studio owners simply "want to get new students."

But, they never stop to consider the cost.

Can you guess what it would cost you for a pro agency to build out your entire system?

Come on down!!!!

Here’s your cheat sheet… This is what it would cost you.

Consulting fee

$1k - $2k

Website build (varies based on size and complexity)

$2k - $5k

Social media setup

$500 - $2k

Persuasive text for your site

$1k - $3k

Google Ads setup (doesn’t include ongoing management)

$3k - $5k

Ad costs for 1 year (depending on your geography)

$2k - $4k

Google My Business setup

$500 - $1k


$10k - $22k

That is the cost of having a pro set up your marketing system for you.

Now, one might look at that number and get concerned… but honestly, that number doesn’t look too bad when taking into account that you can start a potential 6-figure business for just about ten thousand dollars.

However, there are several things to consider…

  1. Most of the studio owners I meet want to build this out themselves (to save the money)

  2. This doesn't take into account all the input that you have to give the agency... so, it's possible the marketing could still be "bad" if you are giving them bad information or data.

    The big one is the text that goes onto your website. Most agencies will write pretty generic copy. And that is the most important part of your system... the offer and messaging and copy that you use!

  3. It doesn't take into account that you still have to manage and run the marketing system. And, an agency won't train you how to do that.

What's the alternative?

This is why I created Studio Marketing Masterclass…

I used to build out marketing for studios… but I saw that people still struggled to have success… 

Even when their system was built by a pro!!!!

Even after spending all that money!!!!

It was at that point I went from the “give a fish” to “teach to fish” model.

And - wow - was that ever the right move.

In the training, we cover everything you see here:

  • How to diagnose your marketing’s effectiveness in just 5 minutes per week

  • The 7 questions that I ask my student families to create programs and marketing that appeals to new families

  • The 1 hour marketing solution that helped 100+ people find my studio website every month - do it once, lasts forever (the best kind of marketing)

  • A checklist for setting up your website for maximum conversions… so easy that even the most technologically backward person can do it (we’ve tested this)

  • My Google Ads strategy… so potent and efficient that I would pull 150+ leads per year and can be set up in less than 90 minutes

  • Tons of “Done-For-You” templates that include marketing emails, followup sequences, trial lesson scripts, phone scripts, and website templates

  • It’s not just enough to be good at what you do… you also need to communicate that value in a way that parents understand. We’ll take your bland, boring lesson offers and make them irresistible… whether you are a “fun, casual” studio or a serious lesson program

  • Weekly Q&A support with ME… I’ll troubleshoot all your marketing issues and look everything you create during the training (personally)

  • Coaching time with my “secret weapon”... Jenna, a Google certified AdWords contractor… so that you can turn on your ads and get an instant result (wouldn’t promise it if it wasn’t true… turn your ads on and start seeing traffic come through to your site within days or even hours)

  • Alumni created templates… learn from past students by seeing examples of effective marketing that were created by students of the program… not just me! 

  • Personalized help and business troubleshooting no matter if you are just starting out or already have a multi-teacher school, no matter what instrument you teach, no matter what your previous business experience is

  • How to confidently grow your studio without spending hours every week on your marketing

This is just scratching the surface.

If you’ve ever watched our case study videos and wondered if it sounded to good to be true… this is why studio’s get the kinds of results that you see in our case studies.

You put in some hard work for the next 3-6 months… and you reap the benefits forever.

And that for a fraction of the cost for an agency to build this out for you.

If you’d like to change your results forever… and you aren’t afraid of a little hard work…

Just click the button below to apply to work with us.

Registration opens on November 22nd at 12pm Eastern time.

I look forward to working with you!

