Subject: [Day 1/4] Suzanne Guy: What I Learned

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I am going to send you a marketing lesson each day this week… and helpful resources and videos throughout the month of November.

Let’s jump right in...

I would like to introduce you to Suzanne Guy.

Her philosophy profoundly impacted my teaching.

Her music, her talks, and her books were inspiring and helpful to teachers all over the world. Her students frequently won top prizes in state-wide competitions in the state of Virginia.

I became aware of her 15 years ago when I got a hold of a DVD of one of her student recitals.

It was jaw-dropping.

Children ages 6 - 15 played through Saint-Saen’s Carnival of the Animals. They played with skill, with musicality. Their phrasing was gorgeous. These students weren’t merely playing by rote… they were expressive.

I was in my first few years of teaching, and it made a powerful impression on me. I did not realize that a studio could have that many “excellent” students.

It raised my expectations for what was possible in my studio.

As I dug into her writing and philosophy, I found a nugget of wisdom from her that I never forgot.

It had to do with her approach to “getting the best” from her students.

I will paraphrase:

For every 10 minutes that you practice technique, you save yourself an hour of practicing repertoire.”

I took this seriously.

I looked deeper into how she taught technique.

What technique drills did she give her students?

What books did she use?

I wanted to know everything!

I knew that if I could give my piano students the best foundation, that they would progress more quickly.

Lay the foundation and good things will result. Give the student the right tool, in the right order.

There is a universal truth there.

It isn’t only true of music, it’s true of your studio’s marketing and growth efforts.

And that leads me to...

Marketing Lesson #1

It’s Not Just the Tactic You Choose… It’s the Order In Which It Is Used!

I honestly don’t know how I haven’t taught this before!

For years, I’ve spoken to studio owners and asked them what marketing methods they’ve used in the past.

I don’t think the answers will surprise you:

  • SEO

  • Facebook ads

  • Facebook groups

  • Google search

  • Google My Business

  • Google maps

  • Fliers

  • Business cards

  • Yelp

  • Music teacher directories

Understand this…

There is nothing wrong with these methods!

I’ve used all of these.

The issue is that there is an order in which you should use these methods!

I’ve identified 32 distinct steps that a studio owner should take to get a predictable flow of new students.

Unfortunately…. Most teachers and even large studios skip the first 10.

They jump straight to promotion and advertising… Without laying the necessary foundation first.

And it completely dooms their efforts.

The battle was lost before it started.

Now… I don’t look down on a studio owner for this.

I’ve helped 200+ studios with their marketing over the past two years.

Those studio owners came to me because they were confused. 

When I showed them the “checklist”... it clicked for them.

They went down the optimization and foundations checklist one-by-one… and made the necessary adjustments.

Most of these optimizations can be made within weeks just working 30 - 45 minutes per day.

Here's the question...

Would You Like That List?

It’s a literal roadmap to studio growth…

And, it’s one of the first things that I teach in Studio Marketing Masterclass.

On November 2nd, you’ll have the opportunity to apply to join the Masterclass.

I give you the checklist.

Then I allow you to copy and paste over a dozen of my studio’s best growth strategies.

In other words… you aren’t learning theory.

I’m teaching you a system that has already been proven in my studio and 200+ studios on four continents.

You will find that your marketing and growth efforts feel so much easier when you’ve “practiced your technique first!”

If you’d like to apply, simply click the button below and I’ll be sure to send you the application this coming Monday.

Click Here to Receive the Application This Monday

The final class of 2020 begins mid-November.

Full details, costs, and information will be available to those that apply.

Talk soon!

Very best,


PS> You will not receive the application, details for the class, or additional resources unless you click that button above. Make sure to click it if you want to be involved!