Subject: Daniel's "Loser" Instinct

Even though you’ve probably read it before… Don’t skip the next two paragraphs… because it’s actually part of the topic of today’s email.

You are receiving this email because you applied to join the Accelerator.

Today is the last day to register for the Accelerator program. I will send several emails today.

So, why did I want you to read those two paragraphs?

Because I’m going to send you a number of emails today reminding you to join (if you want, obviously).

And, why would I send so many emails?

Two reasons:

#1 Personal Experience

In the past, there have been programs that I’ve wanted to join that had a deadline. 

I waited until the last minute…

Then I missed the deadline.

It was usually for a stupid reason, such as: 

I just forgot.

Or... the deadline was on a weekend and I was out with my wife or friends.

Sometimes, I had good intentions to join on the final day but then just went to bed without remembering to join.

#2 Advice from Mentors

I have many marketing mentors - both personal coaches and marketers that have been hugely successful and run big marketing companies.

All of them recommend sending multiple reminder emails out on the final day.

All of them.

And - all of them report that their clients really press back against that.

“I’m afraid that it will make my potential customers angry or annoy them!!!!!”

These mentors report that many people don’t follow their advice.

All of those mentors also report that the clients who follow their advice (people like me!!!) get a few deranged, unhinged emails every time they do a launch.

In other words… when they follow their mentor’s advice… they actually DO get complaints about all of the emails.

But - their sales go up. Their income goes up.

The point?

The Loser Instinct

Each and every one of us (me included) make decisions naturally.

We go with what feels natural. Instinct. Intuition.

Unfortunately, many of our natural instincts are fear-based.

And that causes us to struggle in certain areas of our business.

Let’s call this the “Loser Instinct.”

Let me admit that when it came to doing email marketing... 

I initially followed my Loser Instinct and didn’t follow the advice of all of these marketers who were running 7 figure, 8 figure, even NINE figure businesses.

I was afraid to actually promote my program.

And even though they told me what would happen if I overcame my fear and actually emailed more, followed up more…

I still didn’t follow the advice.

I “wasted” years of time because I followed my Loser Instinct.

And then - when I finally experimented and started doing email marketing the way I was trained to do it in MULTIPLE programs…

What they predicted came true.

Yes, I made a few people upset.

But my sales went up significantly.

It is going to be impossible not to help each and every person who is already registered.

It will be impossible because we’re all born with these instincts and intuitions that cause us to make bad decisions.

We’re fearful and make irrational decisions.

Our personal history, and upbringing, and blind spots cause us to miss opportunities.

This is low hanging fruit.

By working with a coach - all of these new registrants will see possibilities and opportunities that they have never considered or are blind to at this moment.

Even if you don’t believe in yourself…

I believe in you, I believe in the power of the coaching process, and I believe in the ability of the coaches who are running this program (myself included).

The deadline is tonight.

Don’t spend the day “thinking about it.”

If - in your gut - you know that you want to invest in yourself this way...

Just join.

Complete program details can be found here… and don’t forget there is a bonus “discount” that you can use on the registration page (check the PS below).

If you have questions, reply to this email.

See you in the next email :)



PS> No one learned an instrument by taking lessons for one month.

You know that the more committed a student is… the better their results.

We are looking for committed business owners who want to level up.

So, while you can choose a month-to-month option… if you’d like to enjoy the additional discount just type in “SIXMONTHS” in the coupon code at checkout and your membership will be automatically discounted.