Subject: Copy/paste my marketing

I am sending this email as a courtesy.

Tomorrow at 12pm Eastern time, I am opening the doors to Get Music Students Now.

It is a beginner to intermediate level marketing program that lets you copy and paste my marketing system into your studio.

It does not use ads… so you don’t have to worry about ad spend.

Get Music Students Now is designed to walk you through my simple blueprint that I’ve taught 100s and 100s of studio owners privately since 2016.

If you’d like to be included on the invite list, simply click the button below:

Yes! I Want To Copy / Paste Daniel’s Marketing!

If you don’t want those things - if you prefer to struggle with the tech side of your business, enter “30 Day Challenges,” troll music teacher support forums for good “marketing ideas,” or join monthly recurring membership programs that “drip feed” you marketing tactics… then perhaps this isn’t for you.

If that’s the case, just delete this email now… no hard feelings! You will not receive any more reminders about this after today.

This email is designed to give you preliminary information about this program.

What’s In the Program?

Do you want growth? Do you want more people contacting you each month? Would you like to get access to my “playbook” of strategies that I’ve been using with studios (even one of my biggest clients… a studio that did nearly $2 million dollars worth of revenue in 2019).

Here is a just a taste of what’s inside the Get Music Students Now program:

- You don’t need ads, a huge website, an expensive design team to get people to sign up at your studio… you can do that job with just ONE web page. We show you what should be on that page… and you can even download that page and use it to get students (if you want)! 

- Is your studio sick? On life support? Not even sure what the vital signs are for your studio? I will show you how to “diagnose” your studio’s problem… and (more importantly) how to make your studio growth healthy again.

- Music Marketing Mad Libs: I give you my “fill-in-the-blank” formula for knowing what to write on any marketing you create for your studio. No more staring at that judgemental blinking cursor wondering what to write!

- Get students without ad spend. Every program I’ve taught studio owners up to this point has involved some sort of ad spend. I give you my 8 most potent “student-getting” strategies that don’t involve spending a dime, franc, shekel, rupee, or quid on ads.

- Do you wear too many hats in your studio business? Feel disorganized or scattered? We are throwing in a bonus training called Music School Marketing System. This training shows you how to set up and automate the four essential systems that every studio business needs (marketing, conversion, payments, and retention). We are giving you this entire training at no additional cost - and it includes 3 additional bonus marketing strategies.

- “1st Place Studio” Training: Getting to #1 on Google search is difficult, time-consuming, overly technical, and takes a long time to see results. That’s why I teach studios my hack to showing up ABOVE the search results that is 100% free to implement. Watch me as I show a client in real time how to get  ranked on Google. This technique gave me anywhere from 140 - 180 visitors per month to my studio… and new students every month as a result!

- Want access to me? Want to ask me specific questions about growing your studio? We will be running a number of Q&A webinars in September and October so you can get your studio marketing questions answered by me.

- “Never Lose a Student” Tool: I’ve generated $1000s of extra income each year (no exaggeration) with this tool (I’ll tell you exactly how during this 20 minute training session). And, additionally, I’m going to walk you through exactly how to use this tool so that you don’t lose track of another lead or lose yet another student to another activity or studio. Honestly, this could be an entire webinar training in and of itself, but I’m throwing it in here just to be helpful.

This is just a small taste of what’s inside the program.

I open the doors tomorrow (Monday, September 6t) at 12pm Eastern / 9a Pacific.

Keep an eye on your inbox.

Very best,

