Subject: Confessions of a Sad Music School Owner

Do you know this studio owner?

I’m going to tell a sad story with a very happy ending…

It’s the story of most studio or school owners in our industry.

It starts with someone deciding they want to teach music lessons.

They will begrudgingly learn marketing.

They will put up a website. They then do some self-education to “try to get more students.”

They realize it's harder than it looks.

I’ve got at least 1000 questionnaires (no exaggeration) from studio owners who have booked a call with me where their most common way of trying to get more students is “word of mouth”... other common methods include:

  • Facebook posts

  • Facebook ads (99.9% report they lost money on this)

  • Other forms of ads (also failed)

  • Business cards

  • Website

  • Referrals

Now… what happens if someone is actually successful at this?

Sometimes you might have a teacher who has managed to grow a full studio, but now they have a new problem.

They still aren't making enough money because they don't have the confidence or skill to charge more.

In other words, they are terrified of losing students because it is so hard to replace those students.

So, their studio is mostly full of students who are unsatisfying to teach, and the teacher has to lower their standards so as not to upset the student or parents… thus, they are professionally frustrated in their career.

Let’s say a teacher breaks through ALL OF THAT… and they’ve managed to build a studio they are happy in with some good students.

They’ve probably spent 5 - 10 years building their private teaching practice up… and now they're still making below the average wage / salary for someone of their experience, qualifications, and degree in a similar field.

So, at this point, they think… “You know, the way to solve this problem is to hire more teachers to work for me.”

So, they do this, not having solved the previous problems, so they just duplicate the same problems that they had with the hired teacher(s).

Now, this isn’t how it always goes… there are plenty of music schools that have grown to hundreds of students, typically these owners have worked really hard to improve their business skills.

However… This is a very, very small % of the industry.

Tiny. Miniscule. Microscopic.

Their reward is that they spend the rest of their career constantly putting out fires.

They spend the majority of their time recruiting and trying to retain teachers.

Teachers will work for a school for a while, and then leave… and when they do, there is a mass exodus of the students because the student has grown attached to that teacher.

The % of school owners and studio owners that are happy in our industry is probably under 10% although there is no way of knowing that number for sure.

In all reality, it's probably lower than that.

This is why we created the Piano Express group piano system…

We are on a mission to make "music school owner" a happy, satisfying, profitable, community-building job title.

We’ve created a model that helps studio owners avoid this being THEIR story.

  • Our system makes larger class sizes possible (without feeling stressed or short-changing your students)

  • Our teacher training makes it easy to get classes started within a few weeks (whether the training is for YOU or your staff)

  • Our innovative method design allows students to enter and exit a class at any time

  • One teacher can see up to 120 students in 10 hours per week… making it possible to have a high profit-margin studio without killing yourself

  • Parents and students LOVE the gamified curriculum (it shows in the retention numbers of all the studios working with us)

  • You can run the system multi-level or as a leveled system (giving you flexibility and control over your own career)

  • You can start as small or as large as you like… you don’t have to worry about “rocking the boat” too much.

There is no group program like this in the world.

If you’d like to join the scores and scores of studios joining us…

You have a few options:

1. You can learn more about the system by starting our owner training for free

2. You can book a demo (you can choose whether it’s live or “go at your own pace” by yourself)

3. Or, you can use our profitability calendar to see how much time and money you can save each month

Or… if you have questions… just reply to this email.

You can get started in just a few weeks… we’ll help you.



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At, it’s our mission to build a community of music education entrepreneurs that love building, scaling, and expanding their music studio! We focus on equipping these entrepreneurs with the very best information as it pertains to growing and scaling a successful, profitable music school. We love to help people learn how to market and scale their local and online studios. We do this by showing them how to teach students in a group setting rather than providing a service that can't scale - so they can live a great life and make a great living at the same time.

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