Subject: Brain chemistry information

Ever wondered why students get bored with lessons after a while?

Ever wondered why you post on Facebook about your studio or make flyers or make a Facebook ad and it gets ignored?

No clicks, no engagement?

I can think of at least one reason.


A study by Bunzeck and Duzel (cognitive neuroscientists) showed that there is a region in the brain called the substantia nigra which activates when a person is presented something new.

When this area of the brain is stimulated, it gives a person a burst of dopamine.

That’s the body’s natural pleasure “drug."

There’s a few things you can take away from this:

1. Music lessons are the most common thing in the world. Everyone knows what they are. Which means…

2. If you want to get people to pay attention to your lesson program… you need to present it in a fresh and new way!

3. Doing something unique, new, creative, or unexpected can give a student a new excitement for their music lessons (doesn’t have to be elaborate, even something small can do that for them!)

4. I have something brand spanking new that could give you a happy little burst of dopamine right now...

It’s not a training.

It’s not a course.

It’s not a podcast or a blog post.

It’s unlike anything the music teaching world has seen…

And it could potentially help your studio quite a bit!

Take a few minutes out of your day to click the link below and check it out.

Have a great day!

