Subject: Baby Yoda lost $3 million dollars

Unless you have expressed interest in receiving further information about group lessons...

Today is the last day you are going to hear from me about it!

So, if you want to be included in the special FREE training videos next week… you need to click here to be on the invite list.

OK! On to today's email...

You probably know who Baby Yoda is:

Memorable Star Wars character or cynical Disney cash grab? You decide.

This adorable little creature is on the Disney+ show The Mandalorian.

Now, I’m not here to talk to you about TV shows… I’m here to talk about business.

How Baby Yoda Lost $3 Million Dollars

I will quote an article from 2019 here:

Disney did something that’s actually rather unprecedented when it premiered The Mandalorian on Disney+ just a few short weeks ago: it kept the new Baby Yoda character a secret from the fanbase so that it was a huge surprise. However, keeping that secret came at a cost; in this case, Disney is estimated to have lost a ton of money by not having Baby Yoda toys pushed out and ready for the holidays.

That’s right.

Disney was unprepared and missed a merchandising opportunity when their show dropped just weeks before the Christmas holiday in 2019!

In fact, they were so behind that it took them nearly five months to push out the merchandise.

Estimated losses?

$2.7 million dollars (though I think that number is low).

Now, the rumors are that Disney willingly left that money on the table to make the introduction of “The Child” a complete surprise to fans.

So maybe they weren’t unprepared after all?

Maybe they rolled it out perfectly!

No matter the truth, it got me to thinking about group lessons (of course it did!)

How to Roll Out a Group Program

Should your group lesson program be a surprise?

Should you take a survey first?

Should you ask parent’s opinions about the group program?

Should you force everyone into the program… or convert students gradually? Or make it optional?

All of these are questions that I had when designing my group lesson program from scratch in 2008.

And - not surprisingly - these are questions that you (the readers) had when I sent out the group lessons survey earlier this month.

(By the way, it’s not too late to ask me a question… I still have more emails to send!)

This is why I created Successful Group Lessons.

In this program, I get into the nitty gritty details of exactly how to roll out your program (online or in person).

  • You get a calendar showing the ideal roll out plan

  • I give you the 3 Magic Emails that get parents on board your program

  • I tell you all of the mistakes that I made with parents (what not to say and what you should say when talking about your program)

  • 3 different ways to roll out your program - with a checklist for how to do it (this lets YOU decide exactly how to roll out the program!)

Registration for the “holiday” class of SGL opens on December 26th (mark your calendar!)

If you’d like all of the details, plus some additional training videos next week… simply click the button below:

Yes! I’d like to be included in next week!

You will be directed to my blog + included on the special invite list next week.

If you don’t click, you won’t receive any more information after this week.

Have a great day!

Very best,


PS> Like I said, today is the last day you’ll hear about group lessons unless you click the button above!

Have a great weekend!