Subject: Are you happy with online lessons?

In March of 2020, online lessons were thrust upon our profession.

We adjusted.

We figured out how to make it work.

And then we got “set in our ways.”

And yet…

Music school owners and private teachers are still struggling to figure out how to overcome basic problems:

  • Parent objections over “too much screen time” for kids

  • Keeping students engaged in the lessons (especially younger students)

  • What it takes for kids to laugh and light up during an online lesson

  • How to get students for online lessons

  • How to decrease the admin load and learning curve of online lessons (different video platforms, Dropbox, Google Drive, keeping track of assignments)

Because of this - I wanted to revisit the topic of online lessons 18 months into this new normal that we find ourselves in.

If you have interest in growing an online lesson studio…

Or you find yourself struggling because you’ve been forced into online lessons.

You do not want to miss this interview I did with Sam Reti, the founder of

He has been teaching online lessons and has helped hundreds and hundreds of teachers go online.

You can click the link to watch the video today at 11:35am Eastern time... or click the link after the premiere is over and watch it whenever you like!

How did this help you? What are your big takeaways?

Let me know in the comments or with a reply to this email.

Very best,


PS> Sam and I are going to be doing another session in a few weeks… about doing group lessons online.

If you have questions about doing group lessons online, just reply to this email… we’ll make sure to answer your question in our upcoming session!
