Subject: Are you LONELY in your career?

I asked a number of music teachers who were in a monthly music membership if they were getting all the support they needed…

Boy, did I get an earful.

Teachers and school owners consistently gave me feedback that even though they were part of a large group…

They still felt lonely and stuck!

To be clear, they were in a monthly-fee membership program to help them with improving their studio, their marketing, their product, or their career. A "music business" support group.

Here is the feedback that I got:

What Didn’t Work For You In The Monthly-Fee Music Business Membership That You Are A Part Of?

  • Not a lot of room to go into more advanced stuff. No real framework for getting FB ads to work. I felt stuck when I got to a basic level of success

  • It felt like we keep rehashing the same woes and ideas in the group sessions

  • Very general educational sessions, feeling like everything was being taught at a 10,000 foot view with broad generalizations, nothing was specific to me or my role. 

  • A culture of “only positivity” makes me feel like I can’t share what I struggle with unless I’ve already figured out a solution

  • The group sessions. Nice people but what they were doing didn’t help my specific goals. 

  • "I found group coaching lacked personal feedback.  It is there but not usually as specific or as detailed as it could be.  You learn about things in a general way,  but once you need to personalise it to fit your own studio it can often be a sticking point.

  • I found that in a group environment particularly online there is a lack of connection - at least for me there was.  People would either move onto private coaching or they would stop engaging and thus the group support would no longer provide motivation or accountability.

  • When left to a collective group to help you rather than a tutor or coach (particularly in facebook groups) often you would get conflicting feedback and it would leave you scrambling to understand what you really needed to do.

  • In the bigger memberships I felt a bit lost in the crowd

  • Not personal enough or tailored to me specifically

  • Only that after it was all over - I didn't have someone to help me if I had any problems. My only option is to pay for one-off coaching help (which I have not done), or go on the facebook group and search for answers, which I have done several times. I have reached out for private coaching just recently - ONLY because it has gotten to the point where I am at an IMPASS. 

  • There wasn’t any specific plan laid out, it was just, “charge your clients more and that’s how you will make more money.” 

  • While I feel their advice to price higher was a good idea, they didn't give good advice on how to actually go about it other than "charge more". Increasing prices can be a tricky matter to navigate and I wish I got more advice on how to do that. I feel raising prices was more appropriate for the stage they were in and didn't really account for the particular stage my business is in. 

  • The membership leader could hardly even remember who I was. He had good ideas, but he told me about the same ones every time we talked, assuming that I had never heard him talk about them before. I don't believe someone has an excuse to be like this just because they have a lot of clients. I have a lot of clients too and I don't believe I make them feel the way this coach made me feel.

  • 2 things. One was my lack of time. The other was that I felt the membership was just really a platform to sell me more stuff. I understand that content should be charged for but as a paying member I would've expected far better discounts.

  • Not really listening. He's a nice guy, but I often felt like he brushed my problems aside as if they weren't real, or just offered me the same solution he gave to everyone else without considering that things might actually be different in my case. Sort of a one-size-fits-all approach. I know better than to take that approach with my own students, and I feel like coaches should do the same.

  • Too much information unrelated to specific goals. Always wanting to start from scratch- like I knew nothing. Poor tech support. Not enough info at the right time. Sensed I was just another number- slow response time. 

Instead of Memberships… We Need Mentorship!

There are several common themes in those responses…

But the most significant to me is that people in our industry are struggling because of a lack of personal, high-quality feedback!

Instead of memberships…

We need mentorship!!!!

I’ve spent the better part of a year creating something that has never been done before in the music education industry…

And I want to give you the opportunity to influence before we roll it out at the beginning of January!

Take just a few minutes and give me YOUR feedback…

And you’ll be first in line to take advantage of the mentorship that Grow is offering in 2022!

I look forward to reading your answers!



PS> I talked about mentorship and accountability in my very well received video last week about how to achieve your studio goals in 2022

Watch this video if you want to feel inspired heading into 2022!