Subject: An extra $2k per month

A short email today… Relevant to both small studios and large studios.

I’d like you to meet Kim.

She went through Studio Marketing Masterclass earlier this year.

And in about 90 days, she gained so many students for her studio that she increased her margins by $20k+ per year.

Not only that… she’s still growing!

Here’s her story:

Now, Kim has a small studio… but we’ve worked with studios both large and small on increasing their student base.

In Studio Marketing Masterclass, we teach over 20 unique student growth tactics… from automated ads to social to SEO.

We’ve broken it down into simple step-by-step checklists that anyone can follow...

You could do the work.

Or you could delegate the work to an employee or marketing assistant (we have had several large studios do that in 2020).

Here are more studio owners who have experienced success with our system (including a studio that grew by 120 students in a 10-month period, or a studio in London that grew by 80 in 5 months):

Their story changed...

Your story can change, too.

Come do the work with us.

Click here to apply.

Registration begins this Monday, November 16th.

Very best,


PS> Time is running out to apply. Don’t miss your chance.