Subject: Absolutely dominating kids at soccer

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I’m on the road today, my friends… I’m at the Indiana Music Teachers Association state conference speaking about studio growth.

But that won’t stop me from delivering some valuable studio business advice to you!

Today, I’d like to talk to you about business strategy… using an analogy to kids soccer.


My 6 year old son just finished his soccer season…

It’s so fun to see the kids develop their skills and have fun while playing.

But - I have to confess - my mind begins to wander while on the sidelines. I begin to have all kinds of bizarre thoughts.


What would happen if I could transport my brain into the body of one of these kids?

That kid would have the same physical abilities… but they could get an adult’s perspective on field presence, strategy, and ball handling.

Oh man, that kid would clean up!

Instead of making childish errors… they would move with purpose. Instead of being afraid of the ball… they would attack the ball. They would just be running all over the place, making smart moves… absolutely dominating the competition.

Their perspective would be different! They would think STRATEGICALLY!

Now, what would happen if we could do the same thing with your studio?

As I’ve worked with (no exaggeration) hundreds of studios over the past few years, I’ve found that the number one obstacle for most studio owners is confusion.

I’ve heard it all:

“Why aren’t my Facebook ads working?”

“Why can’t I seem to get more than a few leads per month?”

“How do I efficiently schedule all these new students?”

“Why do people contact our studio but then disappear?”

“Why do our trial lessons convert so poorly?”

Studio owners of every size deal with confusion.

This is why I’ve created Studio Marketing Masterclass.

I want to help you think strategically…. To help you get more students!

Instead of confusion… I want to show you the exact right moves to make. I want to show you what you should put all of your time and energy into… and all of the things you can ignore.

I’ll show you what to do and in what order.

I’m going to do this by teaching you every part of the studio marketing system I’ve created for myself… and dozens and dozens of other studios who have seen an instant increase in their leads.

To learn more about this system, click below to watch the free video I created for you…

Very best,

PS> Be on the lookout early next week… full details about costs, logistics, topics, and schedule of the Masterclass will be coming to your inbox....

Have a great week!

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