Subject: [ADVICE] 5 Principles for More Students

Marketing advice for studios this fall

If you’d like to get more students and income this fall…

You need to make sure your marketing is top notch.

Social networks come and go, platforms change, and it can feel overwhelming to learn about marketing…

But the fundamental laws of marketing never change.

Here are 5 fundamental principles that you can start using today that will never "expire":

1. Standing out from the crowd is more important than “being the best.”

People can’t know the impact your lessons will have 5 years from now. They can’t tell the quality… but they can see how you are different RIGHT NOW.

Stand out from the crowd by being authentically YOU... in every post, in every video, in every interaction.

2. Don’t sell… tell great stories instead.

Your ideal clients don’t want to hear your sales pitch. Rather, tell them vivid, engaging, dramatic, or funny stories about your studio and your students.

You'll build trust and rapport faster through their heart than through their mind.

3. Move fast and try new things

Studies have shown that small business owners who experimented and kept trying new things were far more successful than their “slow moving” counterparts.

Have a plan for getting more exposure each month… this will lead to new students.

4. Learn from your mistakes

Did that ad not work? Is no one responding to your website? Did no one respond to that post you put on social?

Most people get discouraged and quit easily.

You’ll succeed long term by trying something new very quickly after a “setback” or “failure.”

5. Emotion beats logic every time

People buy on emotion and justify with logic later. It doesn’t appear that way… but it’s true.

Move their emotions at every part of the sales funnel. Make them laugh, make them cry… just don’t bore them.

As you think about how to market your studio or school this fall…

Keep these principles in mind.

You will stand out.

I guarantee you.



PS> As it turns out, studios that use Piano Express have a “built-in” wow factor and create students with amazing stories.

It’s not too late to get Piano Express running in your studio this fall.

It’s a great solution for both large and small studios (for different reasons).

To learn more, check out this short video

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At, it’s our mission to build a community of music education entrepreneurs that love building, scaling, and expanding their music studio! We focus on equipping these entrepreneurs with the very best information as it pertains to growing and scaling a successful, profitable music school. We love to help people learn how to market and scale their local and online studios. We do this by showing them how to teach students in a group setting rather than providing a service that can't scale - so they can live a great life and make a great living at the same time.

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