Subject: 5 foods for focus and memory

Would you like a healthier brain?

Better focus?

Better memory?

According to Harvard nutritionist Dr. Uma Naidoo… you need to eat these five foods (SOURCE):

  1. Extra dark chocolate

  2. Berries

  3. Turmeric (w. Black pepper)

  4. Leafy greens

  5. Fermented foods (miso, kefir, yogurt, etc.)

Imagine how much better you’ll play your instrument!

Imagine how much more clarity you’ll have while teaching!

Imagine how much easier it will be to grow your studio enrollment with all this extra focus!

Is it really that easy?

Just eat those 5 foods?

Using Curiosity for Good and Evil

Here’s the deal.

The good people at CNBC (the article from which I got this information) have a goal.

It’s not to help your memory and focus… it’s to get you to click on the link.

At the time I wrote this email… these were the trending articles on their site:

Have to be honest… I kind of want to read all of those articles. They grab my curiosity.

They get paid from the ad revenue.

So - their biggest goal is just to get me to click through.

My curiosity drives their revenue model.

I think this is genius… and I believe in using this for GOOD (not evil).

Here’s what I mean:

What You Can Learn from Buzzfeed, Cosmo, and CNBC

If you were to create an ad or social post for your studio, what would you title that post?

How could you make your music lessons as appealing as possible?

Would you use titles like...

“Secret Guitar Method That No One Has Used Before”

“How to Learn Piano in 5 Minutes Per Day”

Trick question!

Those are OK… but I don’t think they’re nearly as good as…

“Raise Your Child’s Letter Grades”

“Simple Method to Give Your Child Confidence”

“5 Tips to Prevent Your Child from Being Bullied”

Naturally, you would need to pay off the title… perhaps even write your thoughts on these topics.

And (guess what) you can end your short little post with a short plug for your music lesson studio.


What does that have to do with music lessons?

Absolutely nothing.

It has everything to do with what your potential customers are interested in!

And that is all that matters.

As soon as you begin thinking like your customer, you graduate from being a newbie marketer to intermediate level.


Over the next few weeks, I’m going to be sharing a number of educational resources in advance of enrollment for my premier marketing training: Studio Marketing Masterclass.

In the Masterclass, I personally help studio owners create their marketing… one-on-one.

I'll personally help you create better posts.

Better headlines.

Better offers.

Better ads.

This will lead to better enrollment.

If you want a terrific enrollment this fall…

You can apply to join the Masterclass this coming Monday, May 23rd.

The first class of 2022 begins in mid-June.

Full details, costs, and information will be available to those that apply. 

Have a great day!

Very best,


PS> Are you uninterested in getting more students or growing your studio or school right now? Or... Perhaps you don't want more emails from me this month?

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