Subject: [5 DAYS LEFT] Why Your Studio’s Signup Rate is So Bad

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You are receiving this email because you signed up to receive helpful, educational emails from Grow Your Music Studio. We are on a countdown until the first Studio Marketing Masterclass of 2020 begins.

Today, I’m going to help you increase your studio’s signup rate.

You’ve probably noticed that I send out a lot of emails about the training and coaching programs that Grow Your Music Studio provides.

I get a lot of positive replies.

People enjoy the emails, the stories, and they appreciate that someone out there is giving away a lot of valuable information for free (like yesterday, when I gave two dozen strategies for getting more eyeballs onto your website).

But, I also get my share of negative replies, too.

My favorite is the person who complains that Grow Your Music Studio is selling things. Or, that I send so many emails reminding people that Grow Your Music Studio offers programs about hiring, marketing, group lessons, and product improvement.

The irony (of course) is that every music school owner is selling something.

They are allowed to sell their lessons, programs, and summer camps… but I can’t send emails to them. They’re offended!

But… are they actually selling things?

One of the main problems that I find when evaluating a studio’s marketing is that they aren’t nearly aggressive enough in selling.

They’re afraid to market, to ask for the sale.

Are you aggressive enough?

For instance… do you get people who reach out to you for lessons… and then disappear?

You take the time to call them back.

You might have a phone conversation - or even a free lesson.

Then… they’re gone. You never hear from them again.

It happens to every studio.

It still happens to me!

While no studio can completely prevent this, I teach studio owners how to reduce the number of potential customers that disappear.

Every time I teach these techniques in the Masterclass videos and webinars, studio owners get concerned. They are afraid that they will “annoy” their potential customers.

“You want me to do WHAT?!?!? Won’t they be angry at me?”

“I feel uncomfortable doing that.”

“If someone did that to me, I would be annoyed.”

This is the fear. And these fears are imaginary.

It’s our brains trying to keep us poor and defeated.

The studio owners that actually do these signup techniques… they experience huge improvements in their results.

And - in over a decade of doing these techniques myself… I have never once had someone tell me that they were “annoyed” with me.

And - in that same decade, I more than doubled my studio’s income.

That is not an accident or coincidence.

So, here’s the question:

Do you want to feel comfortable or do you want to grow?

Do you want to keep getting the same lackluster results… or do you want to serve more clients in your studio?

This is why I created Studio Marketing Masterclass.

I will teach you how to get more students in 2020 and beyond. I will show you how your customers have an attention deficit, and how to overcome that deficit.

I’ll show you how to get the right kind of attention… and do so in a respectful, authentic way.

If you want change, desire change, crave change… then I invite you to have a free strategy session with me.

We’ll look at your studio’s current results… and help you improve them.


If you’d just like to start Studio Marketing Masterclass for free, you can watch this video:

Thank you for reading… your attention is appreciated.

Have a great weekend!

Very best,

PS> There are more emails coming to you in the next week… including a complete description of the Masterclass this Sunday.

The class begins in January… but you can sign up now!

If you want to join, click the “Free Strategy Session” button to do so. Or just email me back.

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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